… if so, what is it they sacrifice?
... if not, why not?
... if not, why not?
Good answer but getting close!. Yes, I am familiar with St. Thomas’s work. In fact it was because I could not find any reference to sacrifice in it that I asked. Or perhaps I missed it altogeather.It would appear not:
Aquinas says:
“The intellective appetite is not divided into irascible and concupiscible; only the sensitive appetite is so divided… since there exists in the angels only an intellective appetite, their appetite is not distinguished into irascible and concupiscible, but remains undivided; and it is called the will.”
Excellent answer.! I wonder if one day God will find it necessaryMy personal opinion is NO, because angels are in the presence of God and they need nothing more. God’s will is their will, they are in perfect harmony with Love and Truth. Our fallen human nature which clouds our intellect and will needs sacrifice to humbly instill and deepen our dependency on God, making His will our will.
I don’t think that would have been a problem, since in the Trinity Jesus always existed. On the first microsecond of awareness at creation I think they would have fallen to their knees(?) in adoration of him, as the Godhead shines through him. Anything he decided would have been OK by them I think.Angels had to sacrifice their pride of place as superior beings, in order to accept Jesus–a human being–as their God.
Excellent proof of our importance!!!…, yet God the Son did not take upon himself an angelic nature. He took a human nature.
Yes, I could never understand why the testing had to end.Those who accepted this no longer have to sacrifice anything, for they are with God in Heaven. Those who rejected it–could not tolerate it as an affront to their pride–are now the demons.
Or, perhaps, proof of our sinfulness, resulting in the need for a saviour.Excellent proof of our importance!!!
Angels are also members of the mystical Body of the Lord (i.e. the Church). They form part of the elect (1 Timothy 5:21), as do the saints from the Old Covenant (Matthew 8:11 and Luke 13:28). The angels are even designated as saints in Scripture (i.e. Greek hagios meaning holy, consecrated, set apart for God when used of creatures and objects; Matthew 25:31, Mark 8:38, Luke 9:26, Acts 10:22, 1 Thessalonians 3:13, Jude 1:14, and Revelation 14:10). Their position is higher than man’s (Psalm 8:4-5; Hebrews 2:5-7; 2 Peter 2:11).… if so, what is it they sacrifice?
Code:... if not, why not?