I know Pope Leo XIII used the phrase “born for combat” in his encyclical Sapientiae Christianae, but…
In the book of Titus, the bishop is charged with “urge the younger men to control themselves”. (2:6) And in St. Peter’s letter, he says to “Supplement the Faith with Virtue”. (II Peter, 1:5)**“Even Good done to the wrong proportion does evil”. **
How is the “principle of macrocosm/microcosm” (whatever it is) a “natural law”? One’s mind can simply relate the perceptions and their associated impression and ideas of a given phenomena (whether it is experienced directly through the human senses or understood through the lens of a scientific theory and observed through scientific experiences) to a similar phenomena occurring at a different level. For instance, one can relate Bohr’s understanding of electrons to astronomical phenomenon. It does not necessarily relate to the ontology of phenomena, but how one’s mind understands two seemingly disparate phenomena and associates them together. Furthermore, there are the fallacies of division and composition that prevent from inducing confidently the properties of a “higher-order system” from the known properties of its constituents (and vice versa).If you can’t fight in the physical sphere, the principle of macrocosm/microcosm, (a natural law), that you can’t fight in the spiritual sphere. One has to learn to compete, fight, to struggle in the real physical world and that prepares them to fight the spiritual, intellectual battles in the metaphysical world.
When you look at the other Natural Laws, they all repeat; meaning that they are found in different spheres. Macrocosm/Microcosm is wrapped up in this proverb, “As Above, so Below”. It is what Nature teaches. It runs the cosmos so it is a Natural Law. It doesn’t exist by itself but is behind all the other Natural Laws. It is the system of the Natural Law. You can find an exposition of it here: Macrocosm/Microcosm in Doric Thought*How is the “principle of macrocosm/microcosm” (whatever it is) a “natural law”? *
I am too much of a political realist to be a pacifistic, but it certainly is not because I value traditional masculinity.Latias wrote:
When you look at the other Natural Laws, they all repeat; meaning that they are found in different spheres. Macrocosm/Microcosm is wrapped up in this proverb, “As Above, so Below”. It is what Nature teaches. It runs the cosmos so it is a Natural Law. It doesn’t exist by itself but is behind all the other Natural Laws. It is the system of the Natural Law. You can find an exposition of it here: Macrocosm/Microcosm in Doric Thought
One of the virtues is to be “The Cause of Victory”. This virtue means that a man is ready to do things, to them competently and win. To be a cause of Victory is part of being a man. The failure of much of the Catholic Church can be seen is that not many men have this virtue.
It is funny that all you hear in the Church is on Peace. I knew a Catholic homeschool mom who forbid her boys to play war. My Catholic mom forbid guns in the house and when I went to Boy Scout camp forbid me from going to the rifle range. Many Catholics think that Christianity is about pacifism.
But is that who God is? In the Masoretic Text, it says, “The Lord God is a Man of War”. In the OT, God is the Hebrew War God. The title “Lord of Hosts” is the Lord of the army; it is war title. God lead His people into War.
In the Orthodox side of the Church they have a teaching they stress a lot and that is theosis. It is translated as “to be like God”. If we as Christians are to seek theosis, doesn’t that mean we are to be warriors as well? The essence of a man is to be a warrior. Are we educating our young men to be warriors? To be “causes of victory”?
St. Peter says we are to “Command and Teach”. Christians are to be warriors. To be a warrior, a soldier,
Yes, we are made for Spiritual Combat and must put on the whole armor of God with the Breastplate of Truth!I know Pope Leo XIII used the phrase “born for combat” in his encyclical Sapientiae Christianae, but…
Step by step, heart to heart, left right left
We all fall down like toy soldiers
Bit by bit, torn apart, we never win
But the battle wages on for toy soldiers
But really, it seems like that a good priest or spiritual director would be like General Patton when he is slapping that soldier suffering from battle fatigue in Sicily. I feel like that I do not want to fight anymore.I’m supposed to be the soldier who never blows his composure
Even though I hold the weight of the whole world on my shoulders
I ain’t never supposed to show it, my crew ain’t supposed to know it