I was reading an article in my latest issue of “the Rock” magazine concerning infants being born again at the moment of being baptized. I have no qualm with infants being baptized and having “original sin” removed in the sacrament of baptism. I agree fully with that. My point of contention is that infants ALSO receive the Holy Spirit at baptism and so BECOME A NEW CREATURE IN CHRIST.That’s what this article states.
Why do I find this difficult to accept? Because most "cradle Catholics" live like the world outside of attending mass. They don't really live Christian lives, but just live just like the everyday non Christian.
If ALL Catholics who were baptized as infants, received the Holy Spirit, then WHY don't we see a significant change in the lives of the majority of nominal Catholics? I DO see more Christlike actions from a revert or a Protestant who converts to the Catholic church, then with nominal cradle Catholics. Just where is the evidence of being a new creation of Christ, in the lives of cradle Catholics, since they supposedly received the Holy Spirit when being baptized as infants ? I would like to know if you feel the same way as I do? Thanks.