Are future Bodily Resurrections plausible?

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Barring the General Resurrection, is it potentially plausible for Christ to make another exception and resurrect an individual “early” similarly to His Initial Resurrection? Thus far, there doesn’t seem to be any known cases of this, but I’ve also heard that there’s nothing specifically enumerated in the text that denies this, which raises the question of its plausibility.
I can’t see why not.

Jesus says that the Disciples will do greater things than him, and He Himself raised the dead…
Saints raised from the dead Mat.27:52-53 Sacred Scripture
Papias, the Bishop of Hieropolis and an early Father of the Church, wrote a book (“Exposition of the Logia of the Lord”) that, sad to say, exists only in fragments and in references to his works in other, later authors. That’s really, really unfortunate, as Papias’s book would be one of our best sources on the origin of the Gospels. He was personally acquainted with the daughters of Philip (mentioned in Acts 21:8-9), from whom he gained most of his information about the events and writing of the…
Here’s an Oldie from the Vaults!
Probably seems to be a general and appropriate answer, but then you have to wonder why are there still bone fragments / remains of so many saints ? Why havent those remains been taken into heaven ? And with their bones/ fragments or in some cases body, still here on earth, does that mean they are only in spirit in heaven or is the body and remains here on earth just now a shell of the person.
Why havent those remains been taken into heaven ?
Only Jesus and Mary have been assumed.
does that mean they are only in spirit in heaven or is the body and remains here on earth just now a shell of the person.
Yes, they are spirits and these are their Earthly remains.

There’ll be a New Heaven and New Earth. We’ll all receive our glorified bodies and be like Jesus and Mary.
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They’re not in Heaven. Think Eden or a terrestrial Paradise. They’re very much alive.

St. Irenaeus, Adversus Haereses, Liber 4, Cap. 30

The disciples of the Apostles say that they (Enoch and Elijah) whose living bodies were taken up from the earth, have been placed in an earthly paradise, where they will remain until the end of the world.
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They’re not in Heaven. Think Eden or a terrestrial Paradise. They’re very much alive.

St. Irenaeus, Adversus Haereses, Liber 4, Cap. 30

The disciples of the Apostles say that they (Enoch and Elijah) whose living bodies were taken up from the earth, have been placed in an earthly paradise, where they will remain until the end of the world.
Would it be possible to get assumed there then? If God takes you in a state of grace, it would seem like He’d have no problem sending you there if you so chose it–but then again, I’m not even sure if that’s dogmatic 🤔 hmm…
Jesus and Mary both entered Heaven body and soul. However, wherever Elijah and Enoch are, they still have to come back and die :man_shrugging:t2: More specifically, the Antichrist will kill them.
Okay, Mary was Assumed and Jesus Ascended. :roll_eyes:
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“Many saints came to life and appeared in Jerusalem.” There is also the account of the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus.
I don’t think there’s anything explicitly against a future resurrection.
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