Are magic spells purely for entertainment a sin?

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There’s an actor who is putting on a show that involves pretending to cast spells and invoke angels. She plays a witch on TV, but I (and presumably everyone in attendance) knows she’s just an actor and that’s it’s not real witchcraft…it’s just for fun.

I don’t believe in magic (separate discussion that isn’t the focus of my question), that she can do magic or that she’s a real witch. I only want to go for entertainment, kinda like watching a TV show although this will be an interactive event. Since it is an interactive event, probably I would be asked to take part in the “spells”, but again, it’s not like I believe I’m saying a real spell.

Would attending be a sin?
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Would attending be a sin?
No, provided it’s just a play. It’s no different than watching a movie that involves a murder mystery. No one thinks that the actors need to go confess to murder. It’s understood by everyone that it’s just a dramatization.
What do you think the problem might be? Make the case that it would be a sin… if you don’t mind…
In my opinion, yes it would be a sin. I can explain why I think so if you want.
Look it’s one thing to watch or read something involving evil things, like “magic” (which is condemned in Scripture for a reason - if it “weren’t real,” why would it be so condemned?)… It’s quite another to “get involved” by pretending to cooperate in such things, except for the sake of telling the story itself (which would be justifiable). Reading, watching, and acting out MacBeth is fine. But pretending to do spells “for fun” is, while not actually superstition, still quite vain as entertainment… it’s just plain inordinate. (By the way, things like Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter have a different kind of “magic” involved - totally alien to the real world… where some kind of inexplicable power becomes “natural” to certain people, very unlike what we are talking about here.)
pretending to cast spells and invoke angels… Since it is an interactive event, probably I would be asked to take part in the “spells”, but again, it’s not like I believe I’m saying a real spell.
I don’t have the wisdom or authority to speak to ‘sin’ on this. But… something seems ‘off’ to me here.

Especially since she plans to simulate and invite audience participation in ‘invoking angels’.

Whatever you think or she expects about other kinds of ‘magic’, angels do exist. And the only kind likely to show up when ‘summoned’ are demons. (God seems to send His good angels by His own initiative; they’re not creatures on our leash).

I don’t know if it’s reasonable to assume an entertainment-intended event could actually summon demonic attention (though maybe it could; like, maybe demons might be especially inclined to hover around people attending such an event to keep an eye out for ways to subtly affect them through it)… But whether demonic activity is expected or not, I actually do think there’s something irreverent and ‘off’ about potentially misrepresenting the nature of angels or the relationship between angels (who are real) and humans.

Even as entertainment. Entertainment can subliminally get into our minds, our thought processes. Maybe the flippant way she goes about pretending to ‘summon angels’ will discourage her audience from believing angels really exist. Or maybe some audience members will get the idea to go try to ‘summon angels’ for real.

Either way, I don’t see the ‘good’ here. Entertainment that misrepresents angels or misframes the way we should look at angels seems as subtly destructive as entertainment that misrepresents or misframes other Biblical figures. And interactive entertainment… There’s something especially off-seeming about that.

What are the reasons you’re considering going? What are the reasons you were concerned enough to post here? It seems like your own intuition is that something may be ‘off’ here.
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Thank you to everyone for your replies!
What do you think the problem might be? Make the case that it would be a sin… if you don’t mind…
What are the reasons you were concerned enough to post here?
I read an article a while ago about why Harry Potter is bad…something along the lines of inviting kids to practice actual magic and (name removed by moderator) also made some commentary on this. I was not convinced of the arguments I read and do not consider it a sin, so I do continue to watch things like Buffy, Charmed, Supernatural (that’s where I know this actress…although incidentally, I hear that Supernatural actually represents the bible quite well…which is a pretty scary thought). My reasoning is that (a) I don’t believe in magic so I can’t possibly go off and practice “real magic” and (b) I watch crime dramas too, but I do not condone or nor am I tempted to commit murder or other acts of violence.

That said, I’m used to being an idle observer, not a participant. I’ve actually always thought it would be quite uncomfortable if I were an actor and had to play a demon, witch or angel. As kapp19 touched on, actually saying spells takes it to a whole other level and while I didn’t actually think it was a sin…I definitely thought it was going into a grey area, but not sure what shade of grey.
What are the reasons you’re considering going?
I attend a lot of comic conventions, where it’s quite common to have Q&A sessions with the actors. This event (which is also part of a comic convention) sounded like fun, something different than the usual Q&A. I have met the actress in person before; she seems very nice and I enjoy her character on TV, so it’s just a way to listen to her more and in a different setting. I also thought the concept was cool idea, seeing as she plays a witch on the show.
In my opinion, yes it would be a sin. I can explain why I think so if you want.
Please do, especially if your point hasn’t been articulated already. I’m not one to follow blindly, but I am open to learning and hearing new ideas, so I’m really more interested in the ‘why’.
I just found some information that sets my mind more at ease, but feel free to comment if you disagree. I really appreciate hearing everyone’s thoughts.

When I made this post, the only event description I could find merely said
virtual Angel Invocation Witching Hour to clarify and magnetize your heart’s desire
(and initially I never read the last part) but in going to find that quote so you could all see the description exactly, I found elsewhere a more detailed description
our favorite witch will do a wildly inappropriate, most likely irreverent and inaccurate Tarot card reading in which we in no way guarantee any kind of tall, dark, handsome stranger will be in your future.
That certainly seems to clarify to everyone attending that it’s going to be something really lighthearted and just for laughs. It also sounds like I wouldn’t need to actually say any “spells” (maybe she won’t either), which was largely what I was uncomfortable with.
Please do, especially if your point hasn’t been articulated already. I’m not one to follow blindly, but I am open to learning and hearing new ideas, so I’m really more interested in the ‘why’.
No problem. Quite simply, nothing about this show sounds suitable for a faithful Catholic.
The primary issue here is that you state that you don’t believe in magic. Even though you say that is a separate discussion, it’s not really possible to answer this question without addressing that. If you are a Catholic, which I assume you are, the practice of magic is a sin against the 1st commandment. Magic has existed since the fall of man, and is condemned throughout the Bible. The question is not whether it exists - it is whether you believe it has any effect. Do you not believe in demons? Do you not believe that they can influence lives and that contact with them is possible? These are questions you need to answer before anything else. If you answer those questions in the negative, then you have separate issues with your Catholic faith that you need to work out first. If you answer those questions in the affirmative, then you can understand why magic is wrong and why it is extremely dangerous for souls.
Any form of magic or occult practice is a sin for Catholics - tarot cards, ouija boards, psychic mediums, white magic, black magic, wicca, and so on and so forth.
So understanding this, it is not difficult to see why being involved in or watching a show that makes light of these serious issues, simulates their practice, if not actually practicing it (which you have no way of knowing), is both an occasion of sin and probably a sin in and of itself.
Angel Invocation Witching Hour
These words themselves scream “stay away”. Often things like this are done in an “ironic” or “lighthearted” way because fewer people would engage with them were they seen to be being done in all seriousness. However often that can simply be a way of introducing them to people who would otherwise not participate.
I’m going to be a little hard on you now - it seems you might be trying to justify participating in something you have your heart set on, even though part of you knows it is problematic, otherwise you wouldn’t have come here to ask. Maybe your conscience is pricking you.
And that’s a good thing! 🙂
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Whether it is a sin or not, it is certainly not a wise thing to do. Do not attend. You want to practice custody of your senses. Whatever you put in to your mind through your senses is what is used against you in the form of temptation by bad spirits. You should only put good things in there that is things of God. You may well know that it is only ‘play’ now whilst in a happy place but bad spirits are wily and can fool you easily and slip these things into your prayer life and tempt you away from God in tiny little subtle ways you won’t notice. Then you’ll have made bad habits otherwise known as vices. You instead want to make good habits otherwise known as virtues. It is hard enough to do that without filling your head with ammunition for the bad spirits.

You are asking this question because the Holy Spirit is prompting you and your conscience knows it’s not good. Listen.
Would you be happy watching a performance of Macbeth? Plenty of spells and sorcery in that play!
our favorite witch will do a wildly inappropriate, most likely irreverent and inaccurate Tarot card reading in which we in no way guarantee any kind of tall, dark, handsome stranger will be in your future.
Really? This says the opposite to me.

Tarot card reading is forbidden for Catholics. And it sounds like she’s not just going to ‘pretend’ to do a tarot card reading, but she’s actually going to do one? Although she’s fluffing it up with ‘Accuracy Not Guaranteed!’

Don’t go.

This sounds like a very different thing from watching a TV show or a play. This isn’tMacbeth. Attending an actual tarot card reading is a no-no, regardless of whether it’s advertised in a ‘We’re mostly goofing off here, this probably won’t be accurate’ way.

Edit: Just Googleed the event. Don’t go. On top of what you already wrote here which is enough (why would you want to attend a tarot card reading, which is promised to be “wildly inappropriate” and “irreverent”…?)… the event is listed as:
It’s limited to 13 lucky souls, so grab your spot before it spirits away!
This is a small, intimate gathering. Not a play. Again: not a play.
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You know when you go to confession and say ‘for the things I’ve done and failed to do’. Sometimes as a Catholic we show God that we are his son and daughter by saying to friends ‘I’m passing on this’. It’s like being with friends and you’re the only one who doesn’t use swear words. You’re the only one who doesn’t say bad things about other people. This is how we proclaim the gospel too. Sometimes there’s a gathering and you say ‘Sorry, I won’t be going’. There’s a certain maturity in standing up for yourself. Do you feel you can do that? It might be time.
Any form of magic or occult practice is a sin for Catholics - tarot cards, ouija boards, psychic mediums, white magic, black magic, wicca, and so on and so forth.
So understanding this, it is not difficult to see why being involved in or watching a show that makes light of these serious issues, simulates their practice, if not actually practicing it (which you have no way of knowing), is both an occasion of sin and probably a sin in and of itself.
so… no more 1939 Wizard of Oz or any Disney cartoon fairy tale…
This is a small, intimate gathering. Not a play. Again: not a play.
Yeah, I think I misunderstood what OP was describing. I’d revise my earlier answer to “avoid this.” At best, it sounds like a waste of time.
Portrayals of magic in film or literature are not comparable with the OP’s situation. There’s a big difference between the two examples.
Supernatural actually represents the bible quite well…which is a pretty scary thought).
I’m running around busy today so can’t write a longer response, but I feel obligated to add this: the American TV show ‘Supernatural’ (if you mean the fictional show about monster-hunting characters Sam and Dean Winchester) does not remotely represent the Bible well. Humans becoming demons, good angels getting ‘stripped’ of their grace… I mean, literally, scanning the plot summary for each season of the show, I literally can’t think of any tv show more absurdly misrepresentative of the Bible. The fact that the writers riff off of words and names they find in the Bible (eg ‘Cain’) doesn’t mean the whole thing isn’t utter nonsense start to finish.

Anybody who has suggested otherwise is an unreliable source. You should disregard whatever such a person says about the Bible (unless they say: ‘Check with the Catholic Church about how to interpret it.’).
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does not remotely represent the Bible well
I believe that article was written by a priest actually, but certainly in the early days of the show. Definitely before things like God being shot…yes, they have gotten off the beaten path by now.
The way you framed your question made me think of something like Bewitched. I don’t see a problem with what you described.
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As most of us will remember, Samantha would just twitch her nose. Worst case would be an incantation like “Broken crockery, obey my wishes, reassemble back to dishes.”

This was a family show, and like Sam always said, “Love trumps magic every time.”
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