I’m not sure if I sound really stupid or if this is a valid question. Humans have souls and bodies. Souls are made up of intellect, will, and passions. Mental illnesses are problems with our minds (intellect?). So are mental illnesses spiritual problems since they’re not physical problems? Are they problems with our souls and not our bodies? Does that mean some souls have defects that don’t have anything to do with sin? I’m sorry if I’m not even being clear and if I sound dumb lol. But can someone help me understand this?
First of all, there is no such thing as a Dumb Question, except maybe “Isn’t it about time you IRS people audited my return?”
Secondly, having suffered Clinical Depression nearly all my life I happen to know a little about the subject. So I will offer a layman’s explanation rather than a medical professional’s explanation.
Back in the old days, people were hesitant to use the term “Mental Illness” because of the stigma it carried so the term “Chemical Imbalance” was often politely substituted. But the term “Chemical Imbalance” really isn’t too far off the mark.
Years ago, Medical Science believed that the brain ran on an ongoing process of electrical impulses. Today, it is believed that the brain runs on a continuous series of chemical reactions. One of the key chemicals in this process is called Serotonin. I like to describe Serotonin as being “inversely similar” to Cholesterol. Your body needs Cholesterol and your body manufactures Cholesterol. Too much Cholesterol however can cause things like Heart Disease.
Like Cholesterol your body needs Serotonin. Your brain needs Serotonin and your brain manufactures Serotonin. But unlike Cholesterol, where too much can cause a problem,
too little Serotonin can cause problems such as depression. So just as you may take a Statin-type medicine to lower Cholesterol, a medicine is often prescribed to raise, or at least maintain, a proper Serotonin level.
Other than things like Diet and Exercise, which are always prescribed as a way to better one’s health, there are, generally speaking, two types of drugs to help keep Serotonin levels elevated. One is something like Tryptophan which will stimulate the brain’s production of Serotonin so as to increase Serotonin levels, or some kind of Serotonin reuptake inhibitor (often called SSRIs for "Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor ") which slows down the brain’s consumption of Serotonin so as keep Serotonin at it’s desirable level.
But back to your original question, no, Mental Illness is not a problem with the Soul. But rather, as explained above, Mental Illness is really a physical disorder that manifests itself in the form of depressive illnesses. Now for some people this depressive illness may cause them to have irrational thoughts (“God doesn’t love me”, etc.) leading one to wrongly conclude that Mental Illness is a matter of faith (or lack thereof).
So to conclude, Mental Illness is not a problem with the Soul, but rather “problems with the Soul” might be the result of Mental Illness.
My Two-Cents.
Hope it helps.