Are priests talking about the New York abortion law?

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I heard a priest in Italy talk about how horrible the new law on abortion was during his homily. I wondered if any priests in America are talking about this during mass. Thanks.
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Priests are supposed to preach on the daily readings. Usually they don’t get into specific moral issues from the pulpit, especially when we live outside the state involved.

There are various Masses and prayer groups/ events where you typically hear some anti-abortion homilies because the attendees are specifically gathered to pray for that. Otherwise, at regular Sunday and daily Masses, since I usually don’t attend Mass in New York, I might hear a passing mention at most, or a mention in the General Intercessions. If I go to a more traditionalist parish, there may well be a homily on sin that mentions abortion along with homosexuality and other topics.
It was pretty big news so I’m sure at least some priests were talking about it. A priest at my parish said how awful it was that the law passed and that he thought all Catholics involved should be excommunicated.
I have heard three priests speak about it at local masses and I don’t live in NY
Our pastor in Indiana briefly mentioned it before it was made law.
My parish hasn’t really addressed it. The homilies have been apolitical, and we’re a large parish in Texas
Have heard it about three times in New York. Just this past Sunday as a matter of fact. Haven’t heard it mentioned in the neighboring state, but today (in the neighboring state where I attend weekday mass) the priest gave me a handout relating to it, that he printed, and reading it was a part of my penance.
A few will mention it here and there. Won’t get much support for the higher ups. But you can rest assured that most of them will jump on the bandwagon condemning any kind of border control.
Two African priests in our diocese from Nigeria both gave homilies about the abortion law within days of the spectacle when it was signed into law and people were celebrating.
One of the priests said he started packing his bags - he was going to leave (I guess return to Nigeria).
Always have to be careful.

Too much politics in Church could jeopardize 501c3 status. Have to start paying taxes.

Offered charitably.
Always have to be careful.

Too much politics in Church could jeopardize 501c3 status. Have to start paying taxes.

Offered charitably.
Careful? who cares…
The US will be gone like a belch in a windstorm in comparison to the Church. In reality, taxes are meaningless, other than as a means to promote the common good (when they do, IF they do)
Eternity is all that really matters. Tough decisions eh? In a few decades you and I will be gone, and the Lord won’t give two shirts how much tax you paid, he will ask you how you treated the least of your brothers and sisters.
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I’m on Long Island
Everyone with a moral conscious is talking about how horrible it is
Some priests might be afraid of liberal parishioners or have a liberal ideology themselves. But there are priests who are not afraid to preach the whole Gospel including the parts where Jesus warns against sin, satan and hell.
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No one will mention it in my area.
Neither was it mentioned in my area. It’s not considered a proper topic of conversation. We have a school to support and all that, and if the community were to think we are a bunch of wierdos, why that wouldn’t work.

The problem with evil is, it’s never satisfied with your mere accommodation. It will just run you over and not look back. And so avoiding the pain of speaking out is not a very good option. Avoidance is a luxury, and I don’t think we will have that luxury much longer.
When Hitler came to power there were precious few who knew he was a deranged psychopath. They thought he would go away, progressively, with time, after the German’s got their just due from their neighbors at Versaille.
And they thought he would treat his friends well. And the next thing you know, they are killing handicapped people.

And giving the Commissar order. Commissar Order - Wikipedia

And people were shocked that it got so bad!
I can’t imagine that the New York abortion law is where this all ends.
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I had a priest like that in our parish, he was from Africa and his homilies were incredible. He would talk about hell, he was very intellectual and he became a friend to my family. He was transferred after a short year or so from our parish to another one.
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Some are, and I know this deacon has certainly preached about it!

And I’m given to bouts of stubbornness, so I will continue to do so.

I really enjoy preaching about pro-life topics, and do so regularly.

Let the little children come unto Me.

Deacon Christopher
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