The way you treat yourself is the way you treat others. Jesus said: Love thy neighbor as thy self. Not more, not less.
Where does it state that gossiping is worse then fornication?
Slander, maybe.
It does matter how you treat yourself. You must work for your salvation, as well as of others.
It is written: “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” … But the model exceeds the copy. Therefore, out of charity, a man ought to love himself more than his neighbor.
The injury which a man inflicts on himself in those things which are subject to the dominion of his will, for instance his possessions, is less sinful than if it were inflicted on another, because he does it of his own will; but in those things that are not subject to the dominion of his will, such as natural and spiritual goods, it is a graver sin to inflict an injury on oneself: for it is more grievous for a man to kill himself than another.
… Sirach 14:5: “He that is evil to himself, to whom will he be good?”
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