Are some people just not called to evangelize?

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So I just got back from dinner with my SIL, who’s nominally Catholic. On the drive home we started talking about my favorite topic, the Catholic Church. It ended TERRIBLY. I mean, terribly. I got out of her car and slammed the door, my heart beating wildly in my chest.

It was an absolute miserable failure to evangelize. I don’t know why I can’t talk about my faith peacefully. Maybe it’s because I just can’t stand such otherwise intelligent, educated people saying things like, “I think the church is against birth control because they want to increase their population…you know, make 10 kids so now there’s 10 more Catholics.” Really. Someone actually uses this as an argument against the Church. :eek:

Anyway, I’m sad that I failed our Lord (again) and kind of perplexed that He did not equip me with the loving attitude and the right words to say. I did indeed pray as the conversation was ensuing.

And, yes, this is not the first time I’ve been annoyed and frustrated and let my temper loose when I’ve been trying to discuss my dear Catholic faith. :sad_yes:

I understand that we are *all *called to evangelize. But some of us are equipped with temperaments that are fierce and fiery. How are we supposed to evangelize lovingly?

I do everything that Patrick Madrid said NOT to do in his book “How Not to Share Your Faith” despite my very best intentions. As the discussion is evolving I always think, “Do this charitably. Remember what happened last time.” And, then, I get irritated just like all the other times when someone says something so ridiculously ignorant about the faith.

Maybe I should just stick to arguing with people on the CAF. 😉 I do like to argue–it’s true. 🤷

Anyway, I’m going to work on my apology letter now. Pray for me!
I’m the one in the family who gets evangelized. I usually now just try to change the subject (including with such charming segues as–"You know, we each know the other’s perspectives on this, we aren’t changing…How about those Cubs/Bears/Bulls/Blackhawks/the weather…)

If it disturbs your peace of mind, if it disturbs your target’s peace of mind, if it disrupts your family, perhaps just try living peaceably with the family you were given and try to be a good example of a righteous Christian.
St. Francis is credited with saying “Preach always, and if necessary use words.”
The best way to evangelize is through the lives we live. That is what people see before they hear our words.
Instead of trying to evangelize (the big E) consider the little acts of St. Therese of Lisieux.
Don’t try to convert/convince your SIL., if that is what you were trying to do.
Find another subject of interest that you can share. Don’t push the faith.
The way this form of evangelization is stated in Cursillo is “Make a friend. Be a friend. Bring a friend to Christ,” in that order. Continue your own journey of learning and growing in the faith.
I’m the one in the family who gets evangelized. I usually now just try to change the subject (including with such charming segues as–"You know, we each know the other’s perspectives on this, we aren’t changing…How about those Cubs/Bears/Bulls/Blackhawks/the weather…)

If it disturbs your peace of mind, if it disturbs your target’s peace of mind, if it disrupts your family, perhaps just try living peaceably with the family you were given and try to be a good example of a righteous Christian.
Wise words, cermak.

However, in your Jewish tradition I believe you are not called to evangelize, while Catholics have been “exhorted” to do so.

And, I’m curious as to why you would decline to discuss faith and religion with your family but would come to a forum online and enjoy doing so with strangers. (Maybe it’s because you have family members just like me who can’t seem to discuss religion without getting testy…but maybe not. 🤷) What’s your reason for not wanting to talk religion with your family?
And, I’m curious as to why you would decline to discuss faith and religion with your family but would come to a forum online and enjoy doing so with strangers. (Maybe it’s because you have family members just like me who can’t seem to discuss religion without getting testy…but maybe not. 🤷) What’s your reason for not wanting to talk religion with your family?
Mainly, it’s the volume. She tends to yell. The forums…not so loud.
Preach the Gospel at all times. Use words only when necessary. - St. Francis of Assisi
St. Francis is credited with saying “Preach always, and if necessary use words.”
The best way to evangelize is through the lives we live. That is what people see before they hear our words.
Instead of trying to evangelize (the big E) consider the little acts of St. Therese of Lisieux.
Don’t try to convert/convince your SIL., if that is what you were trying to do.
Find another subject of interest that you can share. Don’t push the faith.
The way this form of evangelization is stated in Cursillo is “Make a friend. Be a friend. Bring a friend to Christ,” in that order. Continue your own journey of learning and growing in the faith.
Strange how I have heard those words twice this week: " Preach always, and if necessary use words." this Saturday while at confession. I told the priest how my daughter invited Her mother and I to a 4th of July party."But dad please limit your godtalk. (She even used a lower case “g.” the priest said don’t preach just lead souls back by example.

I arrived at her party and enjoyed all the small talk and conversation. I even honored my daughter’s request and talkd about baseball and patriotism. How could I go wrong talking about our national pastime and the 4th of July with its fireworks and great pride and admiration for all the soldiers who made the ultimate sacrfice.

Then my daughter’s electrician sat down beside me and told a metaphor about life. It is like a large bottle filled with marbles and every weekend of your life you take one out. He continued with his story of how short our life is. I asked him what happens after the bottle empties. "Oh I become worm food. What else is there? 'I said to him I am glad you asked Then I got my daughter’s attention when I asked the eletrician if he believed in God. Suddenly the table got very quiet. I said all of our actions here on earth have immense consequences. We need to try to do even small acts of kindness each day. Life should not be centered around ourselves but directed to all those in need of our charity. Life is not about material wealth. It is not about eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow you might die…It was at this moment when I heard my daughter’s yell, DAD… are the Red Sox playing tonight? I guessed at that moment I had exceeded the limits that she imposed upon me for any Godtalk. The electrician moved to another table and my daughter had an embarrassed look on her face.

If we call ourselves Christians then we all have the responsibility to evangelize. Always with the Holy Spirit guiding us as to when we need to preach the word and when we are to lead others back to Jesus by way of example.

Love is desiring the highest and best thing for the sake of the beloved. If we truly love our brothers and sisters in Christ, then we must get them, and ourselves into heaven. We have to be willing to do anything and everything to get then there. God wills that all souls be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.

God bless all of you who do your part to spread the good news.

Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum.
Strange how I have heard those words twice this week: " Preach always, and if necessary use words." this Saturday while at confession. I told the priest how my daughter invited Her mother and I to a 4th of July party.“But dad please limit your godtalk. (She even used a lower case “g.””

I arrived at her party and enjoyed all the small talk and conversation. I even honored my daughter’s request and talkd about baseball and patriotism. How could I go wrong talking about our national pastime and the 4th of July with its fireworks and great pride and admiration for all the soldiers who made the ultimate sacrfice.

Then my daughter’s electrician sat down beside me and told a metaphor about life. It is like a large bottle filled with marbles and every weekend of your life you take one out. He continued with his story of how short our life is. I asked him what happens after the bottle empties. "Oh I become worm food. What else is there? 'I said to him I am glad you asked Then I got my daughter’s attention when I asked the eletrician if he believed in God. Suddenly the table got very quiet. I said all of our actions here on earth have immense consequences. We need to try to do even small acts of kindness each day. Life should not be centered around ourselves but directed to all those in need of our charity. Life is not about material wealth. It is not about eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow you might die…It was at this moment when I heard my daughter’s yell, DAD… are the Red Sox playing tonight? I guessed at that moment I had exceeded the limits that she imposed upon me for any Godtalk. The electrician moved to another table and my daughter had an embarrassed look on her face.

If we call ourselves Christians then we all have the responsibility to evangelize. Always with the Holy Spirit guiding us as to when we need to preach the word and when we are to lead others back to Jesus by way of example.

Love is desiring the highest and best thing for the sake of the beloved. If we truly love our brothers and sisters in Christ, then we must get them, and ourselves into heaven. We have to be willing to do anything and everything to get then there. God wills that all souls be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.

God bless all of you who do your part to spread the good news.

Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum.
The electrician opened the door. You supplied an invitation to consider other possibilities than becoming “worm food.”
I have read where at the end of life, nobody regrets the million dollars they did not earn. What they regret is the time they did not spend with family members, the undone acts of kindness that could have strengthened a relationship.
I may be the person who planted the seed that somebody else waters before the invitation is finally accepted.
As you mention in your post, it is the Holy Spirit who guides, who gives us the words necessary at the time they are needed. Evangelization is ultimately His work. We are the instruments He uses.
The electrician opened the door. You supplied an invitation to consider other possibilities than becoming “worm food.”
I have read where at the end of life, nobody regrets the million dollars they did not earn. What they regret is the time they did not spend with family members, the undone acts of kindness that could have strengthened a relationship.
I may be the person who planted the seed that somebody else waters before the invitation is finally accepted.
As you mention in your post, it is the Holy Spirit who guides, who gives us the words necessary at the time they are needed. Evangelization is ultimately His work. We are the instruments He uses.
Thank you for your kind, spiritually insightful remarks. How right you are about evangelization being the work of the Holy Spirit working through us. Everything we do is ultimately done for the glory of God.
Recently I was talking about how God works through each of us. Sometimes as he weaves a tappestry of love He does it strand by strand. The love poem that He writes is sometimes sent out to each one of us one word at a time. We might never see His finished poem while we are here on earth. Perhaps it is meant for a son or a daughter.

How powerful were your words about when we reach the end of our life we will lament not the millions of dollars we might have earned, but time not spent with our family and so many unfinished acts of kindness.
No, no we are all called to evangelize. 🙂
I’m sorry that you find it difficult, because it is! You’re not the only one that feels like that. Jesus can be hard to bring up into conversation and may be difficult to defend sometimes. However, you have not failed Him. If you honestly try your best, He sees that. My advice to you is to make sure you absolutely know what the Church teaches about a specific subject before you mention it, so you won’t trip over your own shoes when they ask you something. Or if that does happen, where you don’t know what to say, tell them “well i’m not sure of the answer, but i will find out and let you know soon” that way they don’t think “oh stupid Catholic can’t even answer this.”
Just keep praying! You may not feel ‘equipped’ but His grace is sufficient enough for you.
Ithink we are all called to evangelize in one way or the other.Its saying yesI beieve in my faith and would love to sahre it with you. Jesus did,nt or does not expectyou to convert every person you meet just to sow the seeds and leave the Holy spirit to do the rest.
every contact must be done in the love of Jesus and Mary. It does not matter thta they agree or disa gree Jesus knows the out come before you even meet that person so dont beat your self up about it pary and the Holy spirit will guide you. any way did,nt Jesus himself get angry in the Temple so its a human emotion God Bless
So I just got back from dinner with my SIL, who’s nominally Catholic. On the drive home we started talking about my favorite topic, the Catholic Church. It ended TERRIBLY. I mean, terribly. I got out of her car and slammed the door, my heart beating wildly in my chest.

It was an absolute miserable failure to evangelize. I don’t know why I can’t talk about my faith peacefully. Maybe it’s because I just can’t stand such otherwise intelligent, educated people saying things like, “I think the church is against birth control because they want to increase their population…you know, make 10 kids so now there’s 10 more Catholics.” Really. Someone actually uses this as an argument against the Church. :eek:

Anyway, I’m sad that I failed our Lord (again) and kind of perplexed that He did not equip me with the loving attitude and the right words to say. I did indeed pray as the conversation was ensuing.

And, yes, this is not the first time I’ve been annoyed and frustrated and let my temper loose when I’ve been trying to discuss my dear Catholic faith. :sad_yes:

I understand that we are *all *called to evangelize. But some of us are equipped with temperaments that are fierce and fiery. How are we supposed to evangelize lovingly?

I do everything that Patrick Madrid said NOT to do in his book “How Not to Share Your Faith” despite my very best intentions. As the discussion is evolving I always think, “Do this charitably. Remember what happened last time.” And, then, I get irritated just like all the other times when someone says something so ridiculously ignorant about the faith.

Maybe I should just stick to arguing with people on the CAF. 😉 I do like to argue–it’s true. 🤷

Anyway, I’m going to work on my apology letter now. Pray for me!
***God did not make us “perfect” all though that is the goal we are to aim for.

******God did not make us “perfect” all though that is the goal we are to aim for.

St. Paul tells us four separate times: Rom 12, 1 Cor. 12 and Eph 4 ********* that the Holy Spirit is the “giver of spiritual gifts” and that no two individuals receive the exact same gifts in the exact same measure. Further we are told clearly that these gifts are NOT for our private edification, rather they are to BUILD UP Christ Church.

From a perspective of 15 years of teaching and sharing our Faith [grades 3-12 and RCIA], I can firmly share that arguing and Evangelization, like oil and water don’t mix. They can and may and do argue; we debate, educate and expose them to the truth. It is NOT our job to convert; rather we in charity explain and by our life’s personal example LIVE the Bible and THEE truth to and for them. Do our part and allow the Holy Spirit the opportunity to do His part.

No where is Scripture does it say Christ “argued” with ……!

This also applies to FORUM responses. Who we are, WHAT WE ARE, is far more powerful than any “argument” and “what we are “ is charitable to a fault!

If by “argument” you mean simply exposing and sharing thee truth then you are right, if however you intend to illicit an uncharitable response, both your motive and your method need to conform more closely to what Christ would have us do.

I respectfully suggest that if for whatever reasons, you find it too difficult to do this, that you consider your Evangelization more suited to how you life your life and as a Catholic, and limit yourself to praying for the conversion of others.

It is possible that you may be doing more harm than good.

In closing your example of “stupid remarks” is a good one. After a lifetime in Retail management, I am no longer surprised by what people say and think. Perhaps a way to respond would be to ask “why do you hold such a view?”

Love and prayers,

It is possible that you may be doing more harm than good.
Yep…that’s my fear. :sad_yes:

What I don’t understand is why I have such a strong desire to share my faith, yet I have not the temperament (again, I’m fierce and fiery by nature!) for it. It seems that God equipped me with the desire but not the tools to spread His Word.

We may be tempted sometimes to say “I’ll let my actions speak for me.” That is, we don’t necessarily need to evangelize in WORDS, just by DEEDS. (You know, “preach the Gospel at all times and if necessary, use words”.)

Because of my previous disastrous attempts at evangelization, I’ve often thought, “Maybe I just am not supposed to say anything; just BE a Christian.”

Yet aren’t we are called to be witnesses by word and by deed?

Wouldn’t the evil one love it if we decided we weren’t equipped to share the Gospel with our words and could just go about acting as if we’re evangelizing!
I am reminded of last weeks Gospel. And Jesus when he commissions his apostles to go out and preach repentance. Saying “Whatever place does not welcome you or listen to you, leave there and shake the dust off your feet in testimony against them”. The Church is called, not necessarily to be successful, but only to be faithful to God’s command.
I am reminded of last weeks Gospel. And Jesus when he commissions his apostles to go out and preach repentance. Saying “Whatever place does not welcome you or listen to you, leave there and shake the dust off your feet in testimony against them”. The Church is called, not necessarily to be successful, but only to be faithful to God’s command.
By simply living as Christians, we are evangelizing. We act as a countercultural witness to a world steeped in materialism and disbelief.
One of the things that I have learned is that Christianity is not a spectator sport. None of us are lone rangers. All of us were not meant just to recieve the good news, but to give it to others. We do this by way of example and when the Holy Spirit moves in us we also evangelize with words. Always for the glory of God.

In the process of breathing we not only inhale but we must also exhale. We are all given gifts in life and we must use them and share our faith with others… In the time God gives us here on earth, we must embrace those gifts and talents and invest them back into the Kingdom. When we do that we come alive in Christ.

In reality everything we do makes a great difference, everything we think and say, every interaction with others has a profound consequence. God made each of us for a purpose. God has a vision for each one of us. That’s what the good news and evangelization is all about. When we discover that we come alive in Christ.

The time is now to evangelize. If you want a glimpse of the reality of hell everyone can have a preview of coming attractions…just watch the 6 o’clock news any night. Just when you think that things can’t get any worse, two men break into a home and kill the parents of 12 special needs children. These two men, and countless other criminals have become the anthropomorphic personification of the devil.
Who do you think is winning the spiritual battle right now? Countless souls are being lost every moment of every day.

The clock is ticking for us all. It is really time to wake up and smell the roses! My brothers and sisters in Christ, there are so many lost souls out there who need to hear the good news. It doesn’t matter how broken they are. It doesn’t matter how far they have fallen, Christ can heal them. He wants to heal them. He came into the world so we could all have life. All of us must be restored and be a tool of restoration for others. God has given us a front row seat to watch Him work.
PRmerger Yep…that’s my fear. :sad_yes: said:

desire to share my faith, yet I have not the temperament (again, I’m fierce and fiery by nature!) for it. It seems that God equipped me with the desire but not the tools to spread His Word.

We may be tempted sometimes to say “I’ll let my actions speak for me.” That is, we don’t necessarily need to evangelize in WORDS, just by DEEDS. (You know, “preach the Gospel at all times and if necessary, use words”.)

Because of my previous disastrous attempts at evangelization, I’ve often thought, “Maybe I just am not supposed to say anything; just BE a Christian.”

Yet aren’t we are called to be witnesses by word and by deed?

Wouldn’t the evil one love it if we decided we weren’t equipped to share the Gospel with our words and could just go about acting as if we’re evangelizing!

***My dear Brother in Christ,

There is no BETTER or more evident way, nothing more successful than knowing and LIVING our Catholic Faith in this highly secular world. Make use of the Sacraments, receive Christ piously, say prayers before and after meals publically, and that friend is a GREAT deal more than zillions do, and can do:thumbsup:***

Love and prayers,

There is MORE joy in Heaven over one SINNER who repents than 99 who have no need of repentance. Christ expects you and I to go after the zillions of lost sheep that you are refering to in your post.
It is true that we are to evangelize. There are ways that are effective and ways that are not, that turn people away from the Christian Faith.
In other words, we are not called to be “pushy sales people.” By our actions, by the way we live our lives, we invite others to ask about the joy that we possess. Then we listen as the Holy Spirit gives us the words necessary to reach out in love to those in need.
There is a sense of urgency today more than ever to evangelise. Do you really think we are winning the spiritual battle for souls? So many people have their heads in the sand and pretend that it’s ok. All of our sons and daughters will make it to heaven. There will not be any spiritual casualties.

We have come to the point where we have to tell it the way it really is. Every Catholic should be required to read St Faustina’s Diary about hell. Too many liberal Catholics today believe that hell is just the loss of the Beatific Vision. Our God of mercy would never send anyone to an abode of endless torture. Read her diary and then ask yourself how we should evangelize.

There is no fear of hell today. Most priests no longer talk about it. Jesus talked about it in Matthew over 25 times. He even died on the cross to open up the pathway to heaven so we could avoid that place of unspeakable horror… I really believe that the second coming of our Lord is a lot closer than we think.
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