I just read a Catholic article on Seventh-Day Adventism that states that
“Unfortunately, [7th Day Adventists] also hold many false and strange doctrines. Among these are the following: …] the soul sleeps between death and resurrection.”
Okay… so we Catholics don’t believe that? Then why do we pray during mass
“Remember also our brothers and sisters
who have fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection,
and all who have died in your mercy:
welcome them into the light of your face.”
(from Eucharistic Prayer II)
I thought that it was sound Catholic doctrine to consider the dead asleep if they are not in Purgatory?
“Unfortunately, [7th Day Adventists] also hold many false and strange doctrines. Among these are the following: …] the soul sleeps between death and resurrection.”
Okay… so we Catholics don’t believe that? Then why do we pray during mass
“Remember also our brothers and sisters
who have fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection,
and all who have died in your mercy:
welcome them into the light of your face.”
(from Eucharistic Prayer II)
I thought that it was sound Catholic doctrine to consider the dead asleep if they are not in Purgatory?