Are the divorced able to get indulgences?

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Hey. I was wondering about the situation of some people dear to me.
For grant of an indulgence a person must be in a state of sanctifying grace, at least by the time of the completion of all the requirements.
…which, @MynameisD, is another way of saying “yes, it’s possible.” 😉
I certainly hope so!

Sadly, I am divorced, and while getting a divorce could involve the sin of uncharity, taken by itself, it is merely a legal construct, a way of resolving property, child custody, and related legal matters. It dissolves nothing.

Divorce and “remarriage” without a declaration of nullity, that’s a whole other story. Those who “remarry” and behave conjugally with their “spouses” commit the mortal sin of adultery every time they do this. I wouldn’t be able to lie down and go to sleep at night, fearful I would die in my sleep and lose my soul for all eternity.
Thank you very much for the reply you enriched us with.
I am going to take your vote of confidence at face value.

It’s just traditional Catholic moral theology. In six completed decades of life, I’ve never found any better guide to life, and I don’t think I’m ever going to (or would want to). Sin is the worst thing in the world, and an eternity is hell is the most horrible fate imaginable.
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