my daughter used a free online ancestry search thing, I forget the name.
Anyway, for a few generations, it largely matched what we knew, but with couple of odd variances (which might have been correct, and family lore wrong, I suppose).
When we started seeing European nobility, it wasn’t
that surprising, given the generations involved, but there sure seemed to be a lot of them.
And then kings.
And as we sorted trough many of these going back, it certainly seemed odd to have exact records of dates of birth and death for almost all of them, when they were down to minor nobility and less.
and it kept going back, and back, and into BC.
and then we started getting “whosamasudge of the Bible.”
uhm, OK,
maybe tracing from Israel to early European mobility, but . . .
and then more and more names from the Bible.
Eventually to “Seth bar Adam.” (and still with years) . . . Uhm . . .
“Adam bar God”.
And then, “Big Bang”
err . . .