Quite the contrary. Joseph of Arimathea was Apostle to the British Isles, so the church in Britain would have been established within the same time frame as that in Rome.
And don’t forget Saint Aristobulus…
If you look in the back of any Greek Book of Epistles (the Apostolos) you will find a list of all the 72 Apostles and it says there that Aristobulos was sent as the Apostle to Britain
St.Aristobulus, One of the Seventy, Bishop and Martyr in Britain
Feastday 15 and 16 March and 31 October. 1st century.
Saint Aristobulus is one of the 72 disciples commissioned by our Lord Jesus to preach the coming of the Kingdom. Saint Paul mentions him in Romans 16:11. He has been identified with Zebedee, the father of the “sons of Thunder,” Saints James and John. He is said to be St. Peter’s father-in-law, and to have been followed to Britain by his brother Barnabas. Like the others, Barnabas returned, but Aristobulus is said to have met a martyr’s death at the age of 99 in the mountainous heart of Wales.(Lives of the Saints, pub. by the Benedictines).
‘Ireland & the Celtic Church’ by G.T.Stokes Page 6 which says:-
Aristobulus of Romans XVI said by the Greek Menaea to have been ordained Bishop for the Britons by St.Paul.
From Chapt 10 of Fr.Lionel Smithett-Lewis’s Book entitled “St.Joseph of Arimathea at Glastonbury.”
‘The Greek Menology for March 15 says: Aristobulus was one of the 70 Apostles and a follower of St.Paul. He was chosen by St.Paul to be a Missionary Bishop for Britain.’
St.Dorotheus Bp.of Tyre AD303 says that
'Aristobulus who Paul saluted, writing to the Romans, was Bishop of Britain. '(Synopsis de Apostol,Synops.23 “Aristobulus”).
Hippolytus makes reference to Aristobulus as being Bishop of the
St.Ado Abp. of Vienne (AD800-874) in the Adonis Martyrologia for March 17 says:
“Natal Day of Aristobulus Bp.of Britain.” Said to be brother of
Barnabas and father-in-law of St.Peter.
Achau Saint Prydain (Genealogies of the Saints of Britain):
“There came with Bran the Blessed from Rome to Britain – Arwystli Hen (Welsh for Aristobulus the Aged), Ilid Cyndaf man of Israel (Joseph of Arimathea) and Mawan (Josephes son of Joseph).”
Traditions of The early British Church
Icon of St. Aristobulus: