Are there any saints or orders who deal with the issue of treachery?

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We all know that Judas betrayed the Lord at the last supper. However, is there a charism of a religious order or any saints who have encountered this in their lives and both successfully converted the betrayer and were NOT martyred? Have any converted the executioner?
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I think I don’t know anyone in exact order you describe. I believe that every saint who died by martyrdom was expecting to die and wished to be with Jesus as soon as possible and that death was proof of love for Christ and going by His way through crosses, pain, torture and death was actually desired. Ofcourse they wanted for their executor to convert and love Christ and I believe that there was some who converted but after martyr died, death could shake them to ask themselves why they die for someone like Jesus, who is that Jesus that people want to die for Him…
Also Longin converted after piercing Jesus’s heart with spear, when he saw blood and water.
St. Paul persecuted Christians before he himself converted. It’s highly likely that at least some of the Christians whom he caught and dragged in chains to prison were killed. It’s also possible that some of them survived.

St. Evilasius was an executioner who tortured and killed a young Christian girl, St. Fausta. Her courage converted him and he himself converted and was martyred.

The 40 Martyrs of Sebaste were a group of 40 Roman soldiers who confessed to being Christians and were sentenced to dying from exposure by being stripped naked and left on a frozen pond on a cold night. One of the 40 lost his courage and renounced Christ so he could get into a warm bath. After that happened, one of the guards watching the prisoners had a vision and converted on the spot, took off his clothes and joined the other 39 still on the ice and died with them.

I’m sure there are a few other such cases, this is just all I can remember off the top of my head.
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Saul executed Christians before his conversion.

St Peter denied Christ and became the first Pope.
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