Are there definite boundaries when it comes to modesty of the body?

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I recently watched this very thought provoking talk about how swimwear evolved throughout the years and their repercussions…

but this also got me thinking about the situation in a different angle…

During different time periods like say, the late 1800s, underwear were often much longer than the booty shorts of today and even some of the more modest swimwear this speaker has designed would have most likely been considered scandalous to many during early times. What would’ve been considered immodest back then (like say, walking shorts or capris for an example) doesn’t even bat an eye of even the most conservative types nowadays. Would you say that the tolerance towards such fashion sprouts from a loosening of prudish mentalities perhaps? Why do we no longer see such fashions as scandalous? Is it out of an improvement of human mentality from prudishness to a reasonable level of modesty? Simple exposure to more skin being exposed?
Now, there is a certain point where fashions begin to expose vulgar amounts of skin…but who is the judge to how much skin showing is too much? Society? Common sense? There seems to be a point where we can all agree that a 8 inch long miniskirt is considered immodest…but then again, who’s to say that the tolerance for even showier fashions will grow in society as a whole and such fashions will no longer be linked to something like…er…a street walker, or something.

I for one do not enjoy wearing bikinis or two piece bathing suits that show the belly button and you will never catch me in booty shorts. I guess the question in my mind is will there ever be a point where too much is too much, even if society stops seeing certain fashions in a certain light? Why is certain clothing that may have been considered sexualized long long ago considered A ok even by those of a conservative mindset?

Your thoughts? 🙂
There was long, tortured thread about this last summer.
Maybe use the search function. I remember people got into a very heated debate about modesty. 😊
I recently watched this very thought provoking talk about how swimwear evolved throughout the years and their repercussions…

but this also got me thinking about the situation in a different angle…

During different time periods like say, the late 1800s, underwear were often much longer than the booty shorts of today and even some of the more modest swimwear this speaker has designed would have most likely been considered scandalous to many during early times. What would’ve been considered immodest back then (like say, walking shorts or capris for an example) doesn’t even bat an eye of even the most conservative types nowadays. Would you say that the tolerance towards such fashion sprouts from a loosening of prudish mentalities perhaps? Why do we no longer see such fashions as scandalous? Is it out of an improvement of human mentality from prudishness to a reasonable level of modesty? Simple exposure to more skin being exposed?
Now, there is a certain point where fashions begin to expose vulgar amounts of skin…but who is the judge to how much skin showing is too much? Society? Common sense? There seems to be a point where we can all agree that a 8 inch long miniskirt is considered immodest…but then again, who’s to say that the tolerance for even showier fashions will grow in society as a whole and such fashions will no longer be linked to something like…er…a street walker, or something.

I for one do not enjoy wearing bikinis or two piece bathing suits that show the belly button and you will never catch me in booty shorts. I guess the question in my mind is will there ever be a point where too much is too much, even if society stops seeing certain fashions in a certain light? Why is certain clothing that may have been considered sexualized long long ago considered A ok even by those of a conservative mindset?

Your thoughts? 🙂
I don’t think any of us can truly answer this (in terms of the past and what people considered sexual), since we were not alive back then. Persona lly, I find it hard to believe that a man would become sexually aroused by seeing a woman’s ankles.

Also, these “prudish” norms were more American and protestant than world wide. It was not uncommon to see dresses from the 1700s and 1800s that showed a lot of cleavage in Europe.

However, there were surely certain clothes which would say something about your character, even if it wasn’t sexual stimulating for men. For example, short hair on women for thousands of years (until approx. World War I) meant a woman was unchaste. Police would cut a prostitutes’ hair short so everyone would know. Long hair was seen as chaste and short hair as unchaste. There was some clothing that said the same thing, even if men didn’t get aroused by clothes (or lack of) themselves.

I hope I’m making sense.
Here we go again…:takethat:

I think we should stick with societal/cultural norms and let it be. I don’t think those women in National Geographic who were topless were immodest, yet if I saw a female walking down the street topless in the US, I would think she had lost her ever loving mind.
I think that shorts should be longer than your vagina/bottom. I also think that there is a time and place for attire. I wouldn’t wear certain outfits to Mass, but I find them appropriate for shopping or a picnic or other activities.
“Your dresses should be tight enough to show you’re a woman and loose enough to show you’re a lady.”–Edith Head (Mu)

Also, maybe it is because I see naked people all the time because of my job, but I just don’t get the whole “being turned on by body parts” thing. IDK, and don’t let anyone say that guys are different from girls, because there are plenty of males in the medical field that see as much as I do.
No matter if people have or don’t have a conservative mindset, the majority ignore the reality that God’s view should overpower all else. Questioning whether something is too skimpy/revealing on someone or oneself and accepting that ‘everyone’s doing it’ mentality is already on its way to sin. God designed our bodies to be "temples of the Holy Spirit’ (look it up people it’s in the Bible) for the sake of preserving our souls for Him. Dressing modest these days is not easy, but it’s simple & easily freeing… I can wear a one-piece swimsuit & not have to worry if men are objectifying me because I respect Jesus’ will for my life and respect myself & body for what it simply is, not for selfish reasons but selfLESS reasons. It seems today like a sticky situational topic that many would rather pushover the inevitable consequences than let God win this argument. I’ve researched a lot of info also on this swimwear topic. People who aren’t concerned with wearing modest attire (not just w/ swimwear), do me a favor and research thru history the origins of old-fashioned modest attire to now & old-fashioned swimwear to now… you will be surprised by what you find.

“The world and its desires will pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever” (1 John 2:17). I gave up a material lifestyle to live simply for Him & wouldn’t trade the life I have now for anything…no regrets. Thank you God for intervening in my life. 🙂
Yes, there are boundaries. I think it is women who set these boundaries. You describe how swim wear has changed to be more revealing. This coincides with the rise of feminism. And it was seen by feminists that this would be empowering for women. It is a grap for power. Mostly when a pretty woman wears sexy revealing clothes in public it is a power play, to have power over men (and even women in certain applications) . . (which is why it is used so much in advertising). Trying to have power over someone by wearing revealing clothes is the opposite of love. And this creates animosity between women. As well as creates a false ideal for women’s bodies through advertising. Thus, the greatest case for modesty is to promote friendship with other women.

Thus modesty is set by peer pressure. A woman’s social group. There are many other factors as well that influence this group thinking. I think feminism was one such factor. Youthfulness is another factor. You won’t find too many grandmothers wearing bikinis.

Modesty means covering up those parts that are considered taboo to show in public. Either by yourself or society. One could in fact be arrested for public nudity. Modesty applies to men and women. No one wants to see a guy walk around naked in public either.

Clothing norms will also change with environment. While that swim suit may work on the beach, you will find it strictly taboo in the office.
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