Heard that beelzebub, satan and lucifer were all the same fallen angel, the devil. However apparently they are different according to theologians I think? Is this true, I thought they were the same.
Just a reminder that devil always mocks God, so name Lucifer is very on point here, you can roll your eyes as much as you want. It’s as: “Lightbearer” but he’s not truly bringing the light, he is rather a bringer of sin and darkness, but as always presents himself as a good guy. This name is also used supposedly because of his past — namely when he was the greatest angel that stood by God.I roll my eyes every time I hear popular catechesis say, “the devil was once an angel named Lucifer”. What a groaner.
Funnily enough, in my country (Poland), this name belongs to Our Lady. We call to her “Gwiazdo Zaranna”, which literally means “Morning Star”. So basically: title occupied, soo sorry it belongs to Our Queenrefers to both the King of Babylon and the Morning Star
It’s actually pretty thoughtful symbol:“Morning Star” is a title of Our Lady in other countries too. It’s from the Litany of Loreto![]()
Rumor has it Beelzebub once took the form of a pig’s head and talked to a boy on an island.Beelzebub means, literally, “Lord Fly.” Beel is the same as Baal, meaning “lord,” and zebub is the Hebrew word for a fly. When the name is translated into English, it is usually seen as “Lord of the Flies.”
As an old ex-Coastie, I just wanted to throw in a couple of pics of L.A.'s Star of the Sea.…my dad was in the Navy.
I wish it would be added to the Litany of Loreto. I usually just go ahead and add it myself.
I’m rather baffled as to why it’s not in there because we do have churches and missions, usually in port towns…