Are we being pulled from a sea of sin

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Is God there to pull us out of a sea of sin in the spirit of a saver otherwise we sink below the waterline (sinline) and drown in our own iniquity, God being like a someone pulling a person from the water, so all for one and one for all, or
Is He there as a guard, a prefect or policeman, ensuring the compliance with the rules (His rules), threatening that should we fail to walk the straight and narrow, we will fall into the fires of hell for all eternity. He created us with a tendency to sin, He wrote the rules to test us to see if we can overcome our sinful nature. In this scenario, how can he be a loving God, he is rather an angry God, demanding compliance, loving those who can overcome their God given nature and inclinations, hating and condemning those who fail. Or
Are we looking at different personalities in the trinity, the Father being angry and demanding compliance, the Son being the Savior? And the Spirit running shotgun between the two?(and us being killed in the cross fire)
Either way, we walk in fear of God, knowing that if we fail to comply to His rules we are condemned to eternal hell. This is not a loving relationship. I know, I have been married 38 years and walk in fear of offending and consequential reprisals.

The Lord loves us infinitely with a love we cannot even imagine. He is always waiting in the wings with open arms for those who decide to repent and follow Him.
Is God there to pull us out of a sea of sin in the spirit of a saver otherwise we sink below the waterline (sinline) and drown in our own iniquity, God being like a someone pulling a person from the water, so all for one and one for all, or
Is He there as a guard, a prefect or policeman, ensuring the compliance with the rules (His rules), threatening that should we fail to walk the straight and narrow, we will fall into the fires of hell for all eternity. He created us with a tendency to sin, He wrote the rules to test us to see if we can overcome our sinful nature. In this scenario, how can he be a loving God, he is rather an angry God, demanding compliance, loving those who can overcome their God given nature and inclinations, hating and condemning those who fail. Or
Are we looking at different personalities in the trinity, the Father being angry and demanding compliance, the Son being the Savior? And the Spirit running shotgun between the two?(and us being killed in the cross fire)
Either way, we walk in fear of God, knowing that if we fail to comply to His rules we are condemned to eternal hell. This is not a loving relationship. I know, I have been married 38 years and walk in fear of offending and consequential reprisals.

God loves you and wants your happiness more than anything.
There is one divine mind and divine will in the Holy Trinity.

God did not create mankind with a tendency to sin (concupiscence) rather that occurred as a result of the sin of Adam, which was freely chosen, by not cooperating with the gift of sanctifying grace that was present in Adam (original justice).

By nature no human has a right to eternal salvation (the Beatific Vision). Only those that love God could have the Beatific Vision, since God is love, and God gives the graces to do so. The Catechism lists seven gifts of the Holy Spirit:
1831 The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.
Fear of the Lord is one of them. Modern Catholic Dictionary:
“filial fear is closer to love that dreads offending the one loved. Thus the filial fear of God is compatible with the highest love of God.”
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We are fully dependent on God’s mercy. Sometimes we get too confident on our own and start sinking like Peter and Jesus has to pull us out and take us back into the boat, which is the Church.
Jesus has to pull us out and take us back into the boat, which is the Church.
All hail the great and mighty Church!!!

To walk on water you must first have faith enough to get out of the boat
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God didn’t create us with a tendency to sin. We just can’t maintain moral integrity very well at all unless we’re united with Him in a relationship of willing, loving subjugation. We were made for communion with God -and we exist in an unjust and disordered state to the extent that we remain apart from Him. So the nearer we draw to God the more enabled we are to overcome sin. We’re lost in darkness, in ignorance and sin and sickness and He wants nothing more than to pull us up out of that pit but while He gives us the grace to be healed and rise up, to turn ourselves to Him, He nonetheless doesn’t ovveride our wills such as to force us to accept His overtures, His calling.
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