Are we better off being ignorant?

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How does Salvation work? Say I’m a person from a African tribe in Africa who still lives almost like a caveman, Say i’ve never seen a car, radio or anything electrical, and i’ve never heard of Jesus or God that’s person #1

Person #2 I’m a Catholic who lives his faith so-so, I go to church every once in a while, I’m not sure what is a mortal sin (i commit plenty of mortal sins, i just don’t know they are wrong.

Person # 3 I’m a Baptist who is very strong in my faith and go to church all the time, i’m a good man, i don’t know what mortal sin is (i commited what would be mortal sins in my past, but now i am no longer unknowingly commiting these sins.) I have a personal relation ship with Jesus and accept him as my personal lord and savior.

Person # 4 I am a lifelong staunch Catholic, i know what mortal sin is and advoid it at all costs, i occasionally fall but get back into god’s graces asap. I know all there is to know about my faith.

My question is when all these people die how are they judged? By what they know as truth (as they know it) or by what is the actual truth, in the case of the african no missionaries ever came - how is this person held if they never had a chance to learn about jesus, what about the baptist who thinks his religion is the true religion, and what about the catholics, i’m not sure i understand how we are all judged?
The Church teaches: “Those who, through no fault of their own, do not know the Gospel of Christ or his Church, but who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart, and, moved by grace, try in their actions to do his will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience - those too may achieve eternal salvation. Although in ways known to himself God can lead those who, through no fault of their own, are ignorant of the Gospel, to that faith without which it is impossible to please him, the Church still has the obligation and also the sacred right to evangelize all men.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 847-848)

Jesus said, “And that servant who knew his master’s will, but did not make ready or act according to his will, shall receive a severe beating. But he who did not know, and did what deserved a beating, shall receive a light beating. Every one to whom much is given, of him will much be required; and of him to whom men commit much they will demand the more.” (Luke 12:47-48)

Although a light beating due to ignorance might be more desireable than a severe beating due to willful disobedience, it is better that we not be beaten at all by learning the whole truth (the Catholic faith) and being obedient to it.
To whom much is given, much will be required. Yet, this is so because they have more grace. There is a natural tension between knowledge and accountability, but proportionally the Catholic who understands his faith has the greatest chance of being saved. Hence, Christ who willed all be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Tim 2:4) ordered his Apostles to preach the gospel (Mt 28:19-20)
Hope this helps. 👍
How does Salvation work? Say I’m a person from a African tribe in Africa who still lives almost like a caveman, Say i’ve never seen a car, radio or anything electrical, and i’ve never heard of Jesus or God that’s person #1

Person #2 I’m a Catholic who lives his faith so-so, I go to church every once in a while, I’m not sure what is a mortal sin (i commit plenty of mortal sins, i just don’t know they are wrong.

Person # 3 I’m a Baptist who is very strong in my faith and go to church all the time, i’m a good man, i don’t know what mortal sin is (i commited what would be mortal sins in my past, but now i am no longer unknowingly commiting these sins.) I have a personal relation ship with Jesus and accept him as my personal lord and savior.

Person # 4 I am a lifelong staunch Catholic, i know what mortal sin is and advoid it at all costs, i occasionally fall but get back into god’s graces asap. I know all there is to know about my faith.

My question is when all these people die how are they judged? By what they know as truth (as they know it) or by what is the actual truth, in the case of the african no missionaries ever came - how is this person held if they never had a chance to learn about jesus, what about the baptist who thinks his religion is the true religion, and what about the catholics, i’m not sure i understand how we are all judged?
just curious…

You ask a lot of questions, often within minutes of each other. Do you read all the posts that try to answer you questions?? :hmmm:

If you do, then do you just accept whatever is posted. :rolleyes:

If you don’t, then why do you ask?:hmmm:

Person 1
  1. I am ignorant but I live life like I was brought up.
  2. If you do not know then you do not know.
Person 2
  1. I am not aware because I have not been made aware.
  2. God is watching, I don’t ask questions, but I know right from
    wrong. God will take care of me.
Person 3
  1. I am taking the necessary steps towards Christ.
  2. I do not know any better since I was raised this way.
  3. We believe, but those Catholics, too many rules. We will all
    be in heaven one day.
Person 4
  1. I believe I will go to heaven for I Practice my faith all the
  2. We are all sinners but I am knowledgeable to go to
    confession for my sins.
Now, by reading the catholic bible and the catechesis, you can know all there is to know about every question. I am answering from just common sense. People are always looking for answers but really you just need to live like Christ would want you to live. Have a great life, God will tell you when to spread the word, help others, etc.
Think of it like this I guess, if you know 100% then your pass mark should be 100%, if you know 10% then your pass mark should be 10%!! No-one alive knows nothing of God, everyone makes some clumsy or gracious move towards Him. Even when a person rejects God entirely, they still ponder Him in their hearts. We live to what we know. If we know and seek God and it leads us to the fullness of His word which is Christ Jesus, then on varying degrees of our wisdom and perception of Him we will be held accountable.

What we tend to forget in all of this is that we are being held accountable by The Most High and Merciful Father, He is love and His measure is LOVE and this measure is held in the Sacred Heart of Jesus. When we love God it brings about the desire not to sin, but to seek and search for ways to endlessly please God our Father, in this humble way we praise and glorify His name.

Take the example of the rich man, who kept all the commandments and then compare him to the sinner who died on the cross next to Our Lord, compare how Jesus advised them. Then you will see if you do not know something how can you be held accountable?

Much love and peace God Bless you xxx

so in answer, no we are not better off being ignorant to the love of Our Father in Heaven, because, it is not about ourselves, it is about love and glory of God and love of each other. If you have been granted wisdom and knowledge and the graces to understand them then it is all the more to the glory of God and the focus should never be on ourselves but on our beloved Father in Heaven and our brothers and sisters.

Who ever said it was easy to love and whoever said it was easy to live in love that is Christ our Lord?
My question is when all these people die how are they judged? By what they know as truth (as they know it) or by what is the actual truth, in the case of the african no missionaries ever came - how is this person held if they never had a chance to learn about jesus, what about the baptist who thinks his religion is the true religion, and what about the catholics, i’m not sure i understand how we are all judged?
Oh sometimes ignorance would be bliss, I was always taught not to take the speck out of someones eye until mine were all removed. But I was also taught that it is what we were taught and our knowledge that we will have to answer for.
For instance if God sends you a soul to save by all means save it. I hope in the end when God measures my works, and prayer up against my error that the scales don’t come up short.:crying:
“a foole lives in a wonderful world.”
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