Indeed they are - I had my front door half open a few months back whilst getting groceries from my car. I was in the kitchen when they came up, so I was startled by the guy being right at the door nearly enough to reach for my pistol. Thankfully for everyone involved, I’m really good at snap judgments for such things, and he was obviously not trying to force entry or do evil…
After I got to the door, he intro’d me to his wife who was standing bout 6 ft behind him, and started the pitch. I pointed over my shoulder at the no soliciting sign on the front door, he said they weren’t selling anything, I said “You actually are but I’m not buying, please get off my property.” I was obviously not in a witnessing back to them mood. I don’t play well with others who come to my front door…I personally don’t go to the front door of anyone to whom I’m not related, or without an invitation. It’s not tactically sound, especially in states with the Castle Doctrine.