Are we in the end times

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I’m pretty sure everyone has had this thought as soon Covid started, it scares me a lot. I was just wondering if you guys had any opinions. Especially with everything else that is happening like with all the riots and statues
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Already an active thread on this.
Are we nearing End Times? Catholic Living
Does anybody else here believe the end times could be near? I don’t focus on it too much because we can’t know, only ponder and wonder, and of course even if they are ‘near’, what is near to us and what is near to God, could differ significantly. The world ending ‘soon’ could be in a few years or in a few hundred years or more. I know we’ve had evil in this world for a long time. There have been many evils committed and many evil regimes. The difference I see between now and then, is that sin …
We have been in the end times since Jesus ascended. Are the end time imminent? The thought has crossed my mind and not because of the virus but rather the redefinition of what it means to be male and female, marriage between same sex, the destruction of the unborn now spreading to the just born. The spread of assisted suicide. All of this makes me believe that the world cannot go on destroying our souls.
There was the time of the forerunners of the Anti-Christ (Hitler was one of the forerunners), we are currently still in the time of the Blessed Virgin Mary, hence Her apparitions and messages in Medjurgorje, Lourdes, Fatima, etc, then it will be the time of the Anti-Christ, then a period of peace, then the time of Satan, then the return of Jesus.
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If the era of peace were real I remember reading about it being before the Antichrist
If the era of peace were real I remember reading about it being before the Antichrist
You should do a search. There have been many threads on this topic and several just in the past week. It is likely all your questions will have been answered.
I’m pretty sure everyone has had this thought as soon Covid started
No, not really. There have always been, and always will be (until Christ returns) pandemics and other disasters. Concentrate on living your life now as God wants you to.
Didn’t you ask this question previously about 6 times under about 4 deleted accounts? 🧐
There have been many threads on this topic and several just in the past week.
Most of which have been deleted by the moderators, apparently because the same banned poster keeps making new accounts to come back and ask the same questions over and over.
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