Are we really being evangelized by the 3rd world's Catholics

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…or are they, especially priests and religious, just filling a space? I mean, do we have any more Alice and Dietrich von Hildebrands from amongst them? Are there any Archbishop Fulton J Sheens or Padre Pios amongst them? I see them in my home country, the US of A, and they seem to continue the same liturgical anomolies (sp?) of their American predecessor. Are they just filling in after the loss of vocations amongst Boomers and many fellow Gen Xers due to the mismanagement of the ranks, who actively dissented without impunity (the sex scandal being the tip of that iceberg), after Vatican 2?
I guess in many third world countries having no society is clearly spiritually better than having a secularized society. Because here with our advances in technology and medicine and conventional wisdom, we are humbled by the rock solid faith of those coming from situations we couldn’t even dream of experiencing. Seems to me like the Lord’s hand at work. 👍

All of us living in america and most of europe truly take our lives for granted. I’m sure if we lived in a village where children were starving on the street in mass numbers and explosions fell more regularly than rain, then we wouldn’t be so eager to get the new iphone or rush to buy justin biebers new album (i joke of course). I am grateful these souls are coming to our country to teach us what we forgot long ago. That God is number one in ALL things. Not just at our convenience.
I may not have understood the question but here in Australia we heavily rely on priests from Africa, India and other, so called, ‘third world’ countries. We are clearly now a mission country.

I am so grateful that these priests have come here to serve in our parishes. The bring a freshness and enthusiasm for the faith and a great piety.

I also feel sorry for these priests because they are away from family, friends in a foreign, very secular culture.
Maybe there’s a senior priest making them do this or that not in the rubrics, but there’s not many outspoken ones. Does anyone love the Vatican 2 documents about The Mass enough to do something about it, policy-wise, and enforce it? It would be nice if these so-called new evangelizers from the 3rd world would, though we do need spaces filled till our leaders figure out that letting priests scandalize with wreckovations, liturgical abuse, and innovations wisely cautioned against before the changes their leaders normalize (to the encouragement of the formers’ hubris) until they retire undermines vocations. The Jesuits did 300-400 years ago (until they got a little too powerful and lost their way) in America and Canada, as did St. Paul before them. They didn’t let these abuses continue.
“Are we really being evangelized by the 3rd world’s Catholics…”

Do you mean “Third World” (the nations not aligned with either the U.S. or the U.S.S.R. during the Cold War), or do you mean “developing nations” (nations with low-level material well-being)?
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