Claims that the Catholic Church is Pagan aren’t really anything new as far as I am concered, and normally statements such as these bounce of me like rubber just like all the other anti-Catholic propaganda. The story goes that in the year 313, Constatine took the Church that Jesus had started, mixed it with Pagan practices, and out popped Catholicism. As I said before, I’d never really paid much attention to claims such as the one above, until I happened to come across Christianity in my dictionary. It states:
This little blurb really frightened me. If I had read this on some web site, I would have brushed it off, but not when coming from a secular source such as a dictionary which gains nothing by taking the side of either Catholics or Protestants. How is it possible that with this bit of history the Catholic Church is still the Church started by Jesus Christ Himself?
*The New Lexicon Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language- Encyclopedic Edition 1989 pg.175 *In 313 Constatine accorded to Christianity the rights and tolerations perviously enjoyed by paganism, and in 380 Theodosius established it as the one State religion.
This little blurb really frightened me. If I had read this on some web site, I would have brushed it off, but not when coming from a secular source such as a dictionary which gains nothing by taking the side of either Catholics or Protestants. How is it possible that with this bit of history the Catholic Church is still the Church started by Jesus Christ Himself?