Are Wet Dreams Sinful?

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I am a teenager that has been on a journey to be more chaste about 7 months ago. Only recently had I hit my longest point of no masturbation (about a month and a half). But last night I had a wet dream and I deeply wish it had never happened. You see, I had thought of nothing sexual prior to falling asleep that night. In fact, I prayed the rosary right before bed which I am really good at now after starting to use it a little less than a year ago. I mean, I did listen to Saint stories on Spotify for 10 minutes after the rosary with my family but other than that, I had not any thought of anything sexual.

Now, I am scared because this wet dream had felt extremely real and the worst part… constentful! I could argue the dream was set up in a way where I could not avoid the situation, but I clearly remember the dream and that in the dream I knew what I was doing was wrong! In the morning I had found myself wet for obvious reasons. I was told wet dreams are normal and that they always are involuntary, but I feel like what I have done is wrong in our Lords eyes. I do not know what to think of this wet dream and I am afraid I have sin’d. I cannot go to confession for a while and I hate to deal with the fact I have sinned:(

Please help, and God bless you all!
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No, they are in no way sinful. Even if you”felt” like you consented, you cannot consent when you are unconscious.
@Stephen_says @neophyte thank you so much for confirming this! God bless you! You will all remain in my prayers tonight!
Where is your soul while you sleep if it is not contingent on the brain?
That is something we don’t have an answer to, though, as neophyte below me points out, it probably doesn’t go anywhere as it’s an intrinsic aspect of our nature.

What we do know is that sin requires intention and consent. You can have neither of those things in a dream, and therefore cannot sin.

(I’m not sure how this applies to lucid dreams, but that’s clearly not the case here.)
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Where is your soul while you sleep if it is not contingent on the brain?
You seem to misunderstand what the soul is.

The soul is the principle that animates a living body. It doesn’t go anywhere when you’re asleep, and that has nothing to do with the fact that it’s not possible to sin while you’re asleep.
It is good to know I have not sin’d but it is still something uncomfortable as it is makes me feel so impure. Anyway thank you for your help, God Bless, and you will remain in my prayers tonight!
Thank you for confirming this! God bless you and you will remain in my prayers!
It is good to know I have not sin’d but it is still something uncomfortable as it is makes me feel so impure.
It’s good that you’re taking purity seriously, but don’t go overboard and fall into scrupulosity where you’re constantly in a panic. This is an entirely natural, normal function of your body. It is in no way sinful and doesn’t make you “impure.”
It is good to know I have not sin’d but it is still something uncomfortable as it is makes me feel so impure.
I suggest that when you wake up after having one, thank him for it! I figure that it’s a consolation prize for not being given the ability to have multiple orgasms.
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