Are you a member of Opus Dei, Regnum Christi, or the Neocatechumenal Way

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Regnum Christi, Opus Dei, and the Neocatechumenal Way are often mentioned in various places as being examples of the future of the church, and that they have vast memberships. Perhaps I’m living in a bubble out here in Eastern Mass., but I’ve never personally come in contact with any of these organizations.

Are you a member of one of these organizations or perhaps a similar lay movement? Or are you a member of a third order (or secular) branch of say the Carmelites, Franciscans, or Dominicans?
I like Opus Dei…what I know of it…I know some people involved and they are top notch 👍

although I am not a member…
Not a member but working very hard at it!

In formation for 3rd Order of Carmelites and attend Opus Dei recollections. My Spiritual Director is a priest from Opus Dei.
Im a 3rd Order Lay Carmelite…I am very interested in Opus Dei.
Without providing a link can someone tell me more about Opus Dei. When the De Vinci Code came out I heard a woman defending Opus Dei. What she said interested me.
I’m a Cooperator in Opus Dei … here is an excellent Site to explain and answer any questions you might have:

Here is the Official Site of Opus Dei:

Hope this helps…🙂
Thank you!
I am an Opus Dei member since 2 years. Opus Dei is like a secund family to me. I love all the people in Opus Dei. Contrary to what people think, they are very open minded.

Bonjour du Canada
Regnum Christi 16 years!🙂 Its been great for me especially in forming a relationship with Christ!
I am part of FAMILIA ( which is a lay apostolate of Regnum Christi (

So I kind of fudged when I said I was RC – however, I am strongly impacted by RC and believe that I will enter the organization once I complete FAMILIA.

FAMILIA has been an incredible opportunity to grow in my faith and meet wonderful women and their families.

Of my first FAMILIA group of eight – six of us increased our families that year and I added to mine a bit later. Our Late, Great Holy Father is sure to smiling that Familiaris Consortio had such an amazing impact on us.
I am a member of Regnum Christi, this is my first year and I am really happy with the spiritual side of this movement. My dh is working on becoming a member, my oldest daughter is a member and my 2nd daughter will incorporate after she is 16.

It is very good for our relationship with each other as well as serving the church.

I highly recommend it.!!
My wife has been in Regnum Christi for about 8 years or so. I have been close to this organization through her. It is an excellent organization.

I may join it some day, but I also feel a tug towards the Secular Carmelites -OCDS. The only thing from holding me back at this point is that with my work and family schedule, I don’t have time for the minimum daily prayer requirements of the OCDS.
My wife has been in Regnum Christi for about 8 years or so. I have been close to this organization through her. It is an excellent organization.

I may join it some day, but I also feel a tug towards the Secular Carmelites -OCDS. The only thing from holding me back at this point is that with my work and family schedule, I don’t have time for the minimum daily prayer requirements of the OCDS.
I know you mentioned that the daily prayer requirements are a bit less for Regnum Christi (perhaps no Divine Office?) but are there any other advantages/disadvantages in your mind between became a Secular Carmelite and a member of Regnum Christi?
Not an Opus Dei member, but have two wonderful members as volunteers on my Religious ed team. Have attending prayer circles and recollections and am interested in them. I love their Handbook of Prayer

Scott Waddell:
Not an Opus Dei member, but have two wonderful members as volunteers on my Religious ed team. Have attending prayer circles and recollections and am interested in them. I love their Handbook of Prayer

This is a great handbook…I carry one on me always and I give them away whenever someone is interested in deepening their prayer life…
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