Are you able to take time off someone else's purgatory?

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If I were to pray to take X amount of time from some one in purgatory and have it on me would they be forgiven of that time?

Like let’s say Bob is in purgatory for 1 “year” (air quotes due to time being relative) and his friend bill prays and asks to take that one year, would Bob go right to heaven?

Sorry if this is an odd question I just have a lot of questions about purgatory and this is something that enters my mind alpt
If I were to pray to take X amount of time from some one in purgatory and have it on me would they be forgiven of that time?
There is something that we use in math that may be helpful for understanding my position (x/∞)=0 so if our time spent with God is infinite(or at least aproaching the limit of ∞) any time spent in purgatory(x) is meaingless(0).

Not sure that this is comforting but I find it so.
There is something that we use in math that may be helpful for understanding my position (x/∞)=0 so if our time spent with God is infinite(or at least aproaching the limit of ∞) any time spent in purgatory(x) is meaingless(0).

Not sure that this is comforting but I find it so.
Now that you put it that way I do too.
If I were to pray to take X amount of time from some one in purgatory and have it on me would they be forgiven of that time?

Like let’s say Bob is in purgatory for 1 “year” (air quotes due to time being relative) and his friend bill prays and asks to take that one year, would Bob go right to heaven?

Sorry if this is an odd question I just have a lot of questions about purgatory and this is something that enters my mind alpt
There doesn’t seem to be teaching on this as you state it, but really, it isn’t necessary. One doesn’t need to take one’s time in Purgatory.

One of the best things Bill can do is obtain an indulgence and apply it to Bob. If this indulgence is plenary, one can just imagine the gratitude Bob will have when he all of a sudden finds himself leaving Purgatory for heaven as a result of Bill’s heroism and charity.

But even if Bill can’t get a plenary indulgence, even partial indulgences will help as well, and there has to be merit for such generosity towards the holy souls.
You can’t DO purgatory for someone else anymore than you can obtain a diploma for someone else. They have to do the work, although you can pray for them.
Yes, you can offer your prayers up for the benefit of the souls in Purgatory. Most of our prayers for the dead are with that goal in mind. It is not a specific number of days or years, but prayers offered up for that intention are as efficacious as prayers said personally. You can even offer up a plenary indulgence for the benefit of a soul in Purgatory rather than obtain it for yourself.
I’ve found that receiving plenary indulgences for the holy souls is a great way to find grace in a busy life, in that you can both venerate Christ’s mercy in helping those suffering in Purgatory and can also gain the graces one already receives from adoration, Bible reading, or the Way of the Cross, and then of course daily mass and regular reconciliation. It brings both you and and another person for every indulgence closer to God!
Like let’s say Bob is in purgatory for 1 “year” (air quotes due to time being relative) and his friend bill prays and asks to take that one year, would Bob go right to heaven?
You wouldn’t know how long “Bob” was to spend in Purgatory.
So asking for a specific amount of time to be removed from
his sentence would be second guessing at best.
You should offer your prayers up for his benefit and if it spills
over (Bob makes Heaven and you’re still praying for him)
then it will be used for the benefit of many other souls,
all of whom will pray ten fold for you.
Yes, you can offer your prayers up for the benefit of the souls in Purgatory. Most of our prayers for the dead are with that goal in mind. It is not a specific number of days or years, but prayers offered up for that intention are as efficacious as prayers said personally. You can even offer up a plenary indulgence for the benefit of a soul in Purgatory rather than obtain it for yourself.
I have understood that the time one is allotted in purgatory is relative to the sins that must be purified. So if one is released from the so called place of purification before completing the necessary purification, then does not this defeat the whole purpose? Are you then allowed to enter heaven without being fully purified?:confused:
From the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

*1032 This teaching is also based on the practice of prayer for the dead, already mentioned in Sacred Scripture: “Therefore [Judas Maccabeus] made atonement for the dead, that they might be delivered from their sin.”(609) From the beginning the Church has honored the memory of the dead and offered prayers in suffrage for them, above all the Eucharistic sacrifice, so that, thus purified, they may attain the beatific vision of God.(610) The Church also commends almsgiving, indulgences, and works of penance undertaken on behalf of the dead:
Let us help and commemorate them. If Job's sons were purified by their father's sacrifice, why would we doubt that our offerings for the dead bring them some consolation? Let us not hesitate to help those who have died and to offer our prayers for them.(611)*
Now that you put it that way I do too.
Something like that. That would actually make sense since then that would mean, the first commandment is indeed, the first commandment, for a very good reason.
The use of the word “time” when speaking of Purgatory is different than how we experience it. I don’t know any more about that.

You might pray, sacrifice or have a Mass said for a certain soul or an unspecified soul.
How that gets applied time wise would probably depend on God and the receptivity of the person you are praying for.
Forgive me if I misunderstand purgatory, but I think if one could get out early by someone else taking their place, it would be a bit like having a son that you grounded get out of his room early because his brother took his place. The son you grounded would not be in his room long enough to understand why he was put there. He would not learn his lesson.
I have understood that the time one is allotted in purgatory is relative to the sins that must be purified. So if one is released from the so called place of purification before completing the necessary purification, then does not this defeat the whole purpose? Are you then allowed to enter heaven without being fully purified?:confused:
Purification in Purgatory is out of time and corporal person. the Church teaches about a Treasury of Prayer. Your prayers while on earth can abate any temporal punishment due for forgiven sins - for yourself AND OTHERS. Purification is still occurring, but there is no teaching that the purification is the individual effort of the person while in Purgatory. It is an effort by the whole Church on behalf of the Church Suffering.

As an aside, this is one of the things that many Bishops have addressed regarding funerals. “Back in the day” most Catholics knew that they were expected to pray for the souls in Purgatory and that such prayers would have the effect of lessening loved ones’ temporal punishment. That type of prayer was emphasized at the funeral Mass and novenas said after a loved one died. But lately, funerals have taken on a tone as if the loved one is already in heaven and no effort on our part is needed or encouraged.

How sad for those who die with no one praying for their souls.
I have understood that the time one is allotted in purgatory is relative to the sins that must be purified. So if one is released from the so called place of purification before completing the necessary purification, then does not this defeat the whole purpose? Are you then allowed to enter heaven without being fully purified?:confused:
No, since nothing unclean can enter heaven. No one leaves Purgatory less than completely purified.

But indulgences DO add to the purification of the soul.
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