You know what really gets me about abortion? It’s is how they set up abortion clinics blocks away from high schools. I remember a friend of mine and his girlfriend having me drive them to Planned Parenthood for “counseling” and condoms. I was unaware of the nature of such facilities. It only latter occurred to me what had prompted these visits and it troubles me that it was such a secret. The guilt that is felt from such shameful things was evident in their relationship.
The state of things is not how I would want it or you would want it and I think we agree that if it was how either of us wanted it, it would be a lot better than it is now.
Religion, all religons, religious teachings, doctrines, scripture, etc. etc. are all opposed to abortions, eugenics and other disregards for God’s will.
So how come it’s legal (where applicable)? Less then half of the US doesn’t believe in God?
Here is the trouble, I’ll tell you. You are doing the work of the politicians for them (instead of whos?). Instead of them selling the whole shebang, they are pinning down the whole church (those who actually still listen to what you say) on one or two little things that are of no political consequence. Make them sell it. Make them take it out and show it to you. But don’t touch it because if you break it, you buy it.
But by all means denounce abortion. Denounce fornication. I think you’d get more flies with honey than you would with vinegar on the condom issue (and that’s not to say that the church should be so adamint on something that is never really discussed in scripture and at the sametime condon similar behavior disregarding the very same never really discussed concept really only because a different yet more solidified concept is at work for the first issue and to deal with that would be a real can of worms. I think you are trying to speak in too many languages and what you say becomes to simplified and noun oriented but this is not the issue).
The quaran (sp?) says, and I paraphrase, ‘We threw one bloody body at Solomons feet and he repented.’ Give me a body.
The state of things is not how I would want it or you would want it and I think we agree that if it was how either of us wanted it, it would be a lot better than it is now.
Religion, all religons, religious teachings, doctrines, scripture, etc. etc. are all opposed to abortions, eugenics and other disregards for God’s will.
So how come it’s legal (where applicable)? Less then half of the US doesn’t believe in God?
Here is the trouble, I’ll tell you. You are doing the work of the politicians for them (instead of whos?). Instead of them selling the whole shebang, they are pinning down the whole church (those who actually still listen to what you say) on one or two little things that are of no political consequence. Make them sell it. Make them take it out and show it to you. But don’t touch it because if you break it, you buy it.
But by all means denounce abortion. Denounce fornication. I think you’d get more flies with honey than you would with vinegar on the condom issue (and that’s not to say that the church should be so adamint on something that is never really discussed in scripture and at the sametime condon similar behavior disregarding the very same never really discussed concept really only because a different yet more solidified concept is at work for the first issue and to deal with that would be a real can of worms. I think you are trying to speak in too many languages and what you say becomes to simplified and noun oriented but this is not the issue).
The quaran (sp?) says, and I paraphrase, ‘We threw one bloody body at Solomons feet and he repented.’ Give me a body.