Are you for 86ing children?

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does the name of the abortion pill RU-486 seem odd to anyone besides me? to 86 something (not sure where the term comes from) means to get rid of it. so it’s almost like the pill is saying “are you for 86ing babies?” is this a co-insadence, or was satin laughing his head off with the evil person who developed this poison and gave it this name? I’m just curious to people’s opinion.
That is funny in a very sad way. I never connected the dots on how the name sounds before.:hmmm:

It was developed in another country, though, so it is probably coincidence. I think it is named after the drug company; that is, R and U are their initials. I could be wrong, though.
I was on this one right away Sue and I agree with you 100%. It just goes to show how sick it all is. I long to be a hermit in a cave but that would be running from the problem. I’ll have to stay and fight.:amen:
That is funny in a very sad way. I never connected the dots on how the name sounds before.:hmmm:

It was developed in another country, though, so it is probably coincidence. I think it is named after the drug company; that is, R and U are their initials. I could be wrong, though.

Rousell’s parent company is the West German company Hoechst AG, who’s precursor was the Nazi chemical giant IG Farben which was responsible for producing toxic gases for the Third Reich, including Zyklon B - which was used in Hitler’s gas chambers.

I found this on a site that answers trivia questions. I don’t know if it is true or not.
“86ing” comes from the restaurant industry, specifically soda shops where codes were used for all items on the menu. A Code 19 meant a Banana Split, and a Code 33 meant a Cherry Coke. Code 86 originally meant “We’re out of that item,” so when a cook said he was “86ing” an order, that meant he was canceling it.
Lucifer’s been having a ball with a lot of things lately. I think he’s laughing… for now. 🙂
For those who don’t know…

Main Entry: eighty-six [%between%](javascript:popWin(’/cgi-bin/’))
Variant(s): or 86 [%between%](javascript:popWin(’/cgi-bin/’)) /"A-tE-'siks/
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: probably rhyming slang for 3nix
slang : to refuse to serve (a customer); also : to get rid of : THROW OUT

Yes…RU-486 is very sick. And no, I never thought of the meaning behind the label choice.

Those who are proponents of RU-486 are 86ing themselves right out of the Kingdom of God.
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