Are you from a Catholic family?

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  • I have been Catholic from birth
  • My family converted after I was born
  • I converted/sought Catholicism on my own later on
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cradle catholic here, I come from a polish household and Poland is generally very catholic
Dang, I should have included that as an option. Well, your vote is noted and counted. 🙂
I’m not sure how to answer this. I was Baptized shortly after birth, but my parents rarely took me to Mass and made no effort to instruct me in the faith or see that I received the sacraments. I was basically raised agnostic, for all intents and purposes, going to Mass on Christmas and Easter and when ever someone got married or died. I “reverted” as an adult.
Cradle here. Family plus extended family all Catholic, in varying degrees of practicing their faith.
Some very much, some at times even traditional, some less. But there was always an overall consensus that Catholicism is right, but lots of discussions about the details 😃
No, i am not born in a Catholic family, but i have a Catholic boyfriend. I like the Catholic values and would love to marry me Catholic.
Now that’s a good question. We’re all children of Adam and Eve. Were Adam and Eve a Catholic family? 😉

And we’re all children of God. Is God Catholic? 😉
Nobody in my immediate family is Catholic. I am the only one. I might have a second cousin or two who are Catholic apparently but I have not seen them in over 15 years. I was raised protestant and converted as a adult.

Everyone in my family is protestant. We are Mexican American too. With all their cactus faces they should all have statues of La Virgin De Guadalupe and be Catholic lol. But they are mostly Pentecostal.
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Yup, baptized as a baby. My parents and sisters are all Catholic and I think all my biological relatives on my mom’s side are too. Dad’s side isn’t, though.
I was raised Evangelical Free, and converted in my early 20’s.

I married a Catholic woman with a Catholic family. Sometimes I feel like her family is less “Catholic” than my family!
I was raised in a loving agnostic family. My parents died when I was a teen and I was baptized and came into the church at 19. Decades ago now!
that’s interesting as I know most Mexicans are usually very strong catholics as well. Just to clear up im also born here in the states.
Yeah, but I am a 4th generation, possiblly 5th generation Mexican American. My great grandmother became a Pentecostal and married a man I am sure was a non practicing Catholic. So, the protestantism won out in my bloodline. I hope I can make the next generation a completely Catholic one.
On a technicality…I’m Catholic. I’m over 50% Irish Catholic with roots in one of the most catholic areas of the nation.

I can’t consider myself catholic because I wasn’t raised that way. I made first communion and promptly stopped attending Church from that point forward.

I was taught nothing of the faith from home. My parents never practiced the faith.

I converted or reverted in my late twenties. My husband converted…despite also being from an ethnic Irish catholic background. At least my parents baptized me.

He was raised evangelical Protestant whenever his mom decided to start attending church again.
I was raised Evangelical Free, and converted in my early 20’s.

I married a Catholic woman with a Catholic family. Sometimes I feel like her family is less “Catholic” than my family!
LOL, I’m in the exact same boat. I’m non-denominational and married into a Catholic family in my early 20’s. My family is way more religious (Catholic) than hers. 😀
I actually converted before meeting my wife.

I’m actually extremely tired of the state of Catholics. So many dont know alot about what the Church Teaches, and so many just pick and choose what to accept.

My wife said she never has heard her father pray!
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