Do you you consider yourself an evangelist of your faith? or just a Sunday driver? Or just a culture Christian?
Before answering the poll please read the following article;
Mission Possible: This Double-Life Will Self-Destruct
Before answering the poll please read the following article;
Mission Possible: This Double-Life Will Self-Destruct
But we know we can’t do that. We can’t live a half-way Christianity. The organizers of tonight’s event were right. Every double life will inevitably self-destruct. The question then becomes: How are we going to live in this world? How can we lead a Christian life in a secular age?
We can’t really answer that question until we get some things straight about what it means to be a Christian. And that means first getting some things straight about Jesus Christ. This is another one of the by-products of our secular age: we don’t really quite know what to think about Jesus anymore. A few years before he became Pope Benedict XVI, then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger wrote something that is unfortunately very true. He wrote: “Today in broad circles, even among believers, an image has prevailed of a Jesus who demands nothing, never scolds, who accepts everyone and everything, who no longer does anything but affirm us. . . . The figure is transformed from the ‘Lord’ (a word that is avoided) into a man who is nothing more than the advocate of all men.”