Are You Preparing For Lent?

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Ash Wednesday is 4 weeks away, but Lent has been on my mind since New Years Day.
I REALLY want Lent to make a difference in my spiritual life this year. I’m still making plans for my 40 day journey and am praying for guidance in how I decide to spend those 40 days.
Anyone else preparing for this special time of repentance and renewal?
I would love to hear how others prepare and carry out their Lenten devotion.
Peace. 🙂

Ridesawhitehorse ~~
Well, I was going to give up coffee, but I did that last week. So, I plan on giving up forum posting, since it’s the only addiction I still have. Also, I think I’ll start praying the LOTH again, plus fast once a week.

I was considering allowing myself Sundays to post, what do you think, is that a compromise?
Well, I was going to give up coffee, but I did that last week. So, I plan on giving up forum posting, since it’s the only addiction I still have. Also, I think I’ll start praying the LOTH again, plus fast once a week.

I was considering allowing myself Sundays to post, what do you think, is that a compromise?
You know what? I was also thinking about sacrificing the forums for Lent. If you do it - I will too! Only posting on Sundays is a good idea. We aren’t suppose to fast on Sunday, right? So sounds like a good plan to me.
I would give up coffee - but I should probably sacrifice somethingn that won’t kill me. :o
I will be increasing my fasting too, but I’m pretty certain I need to think of some other appropriate ideas. I really want it to change my life this year forever - and keep the right perspective.
Last year, my DH was preparing to enter the Church. This Lent will be our first as a family of full comminion Catholics 🙂

We plan on making the Stations of the Cross at church every Friday as a family, and being consistant about family Bible Study every day.
Well I’ve had my mind on Lent for sometime now, since about November. I’m thinking on giving up meat, which is hard for me on Fridays alone. Of course I don’t want to put my health at risk so I’m still thinking on it and going to consult my doctor and priest.

Other than that I have no clue what to do for Lent.
I am going to read the book, Journeybread for the Shadowlands by Pamela E Jackson.

These reflection on the reading of Lent, will make a differance in any Catholic life.
yes, we have 8 for baptism, 1 for full communion at the Easter Vigil so I am working on Lent schedule for the catechumens, preparation for Rite of sending, rite of election, scrutinies, retreat, Triduum. Meeting with parents, sponsors and godparents this weekend. Also planning lent retreats for teens, CCD & catechists, Souper Sunday for the parish.
I’ve been a bad Catholic for a long time, and in recent years as I’ve journeyed closer to the faith, I have failed miserably during Lent…although I have to say my first Confession after 10 years was during Holy Week…and I began attending Mass again every week during Lent last year…which led me to Confession again…and I learned the Divine Mercy Prayer during Lent…

I guess Lent has been a great time for me historically, but now that I’m not searching anymore, I am praying for the willpower to even fast on FRidays…I’m horrible at this. I have no problem abstaining from meat on those days, but fasting between meals and having only 2 meals is difficult for me. (I do get horrible stomach pains if I don’t eat enough…lasts days) so some of my difficulty is psychological.

I pray I can give up something and follow through…and I am hoping to find a good Lenten devotional book.

Even if I continue to be horrible at fasting and penitential acts, I still pray to become closer to Christ in some way, some devotion.

I’m not as good a Catholic as so many on this site, but just the same, the witness I see here every day gives me strength. (so for those of you with the devotions, prayers, examples…please continue to post your experiences so the rest of us can learn from you.)

God Bless
I am thinking about a Black Fast on Fridays during Lent…anyone want to join me?
I am thinking about a Black Fast on Fridays during Lent…anyone want to join me?
You’ll have to forgive my ingnorance but you got me wondering. What exactly is a “Black Fast”?
Yes, it’s been in my mind since January 1st too. I’ve got a faint idea about what to do and will be praying a novena for inspiration.

Though a craddle Catholic, having been born in the 60s resulted in poor catechisis. This is going to be the 3rd Lent we observe and I like to bring pious or virtous habits into life, beyond the 40 days of Lent.
You’ll have to forgive my ingnorance but you got me wondering. What exactly is a “Black Fast”?
Yeah?! What is that?? :confused:
The Black Fast

This form of fasting, the most rigorous in the history of church legislation, was marked by austerity regarding the quantity and quality of food permitted on fasting days as well as the time wherein such food might be legitimately taken. In the first place more than one meal was strictly prohibited. At this meal flesh meat, eggs, butter, cheese, and milk were interdicted (Gregory I, Decretals IV, cap. vi; Trullan Synod, Canon 56). Besides these restrictions abstinence from wine, specially during Lent, was enjoined (Thomassin, Traité des jeûnes de l’Eglise, II, vii). Furthermore, during Holy Week the fare consisted of bread, salt, herbs, and water (Laymann, Theologia Moralis, Tr. VIII; De observatione jejuniorum, i). Finally, this meal was not allowed until sunset. St. Ambrose (De Elia et jejunio, sermo vii, in Psalm CXVIII), St. Chrysostom (Homil. iv in Genesim), St. Basil (Oratio i, De jejunio) furnish unequivocal testimony concerning the three characteristics of the black fast. The keynote of their teaching is sounded by St. Bernard (Sermo. iii, no. 1, De Quadragesima), when he says “hitherto we have fasted only until none” (3 p.m.) “whereas, now” (during Lent) “kinds and princes, clergy and laity, rich and poor will fast until evening”. It is quite certain that the days of Lent (Muller, Theologia Moralis, II, Lib. II, Tr. ii, sect. 165, no. 11) as well as those preceding ordination were marked by the black fast. This regime continued until the tenth century when the custom of taking the only meal of the day at three o’clock was introduced (Thomassin, loc. cit.). In the fourteenth century the hour of taking this meal was changed to noon-day (Muller, loc. cit.). Shortly afterwards the practice of taking a collation in the evening began to gain ground (Thomassin, op. cit., II, xi). Finally, the custom of taking a crust of bread and some coffee in the morning was introduced in the early part of the nineteenth century. During the past fifty years, owing to ever changing circumstances of time and place, the Church has gradually relaxed the severity of penitential requirements, so that now little more than a vestige of former rigour obtains.
You’ll have to forgive my ingnorance but you got me wondering. What exactly is a “Black Fast”?
I am a returning Catholic from a long lasp…For lent this year I hung a note on my bathroom mirror to reminde me of the things I want to keep faithful for Lent. :yup:
  1. read the Catechism every day, at least a few pages.
  2. say grace before every meal.
  3. give up meat on Fridays and probably forever.
  4. learn to pray the Rosary
    I have already began to practice…and it’s going well!
I have gotten a “seven Sorrows of Mary” rosary – it is just a little different, but I thought the reflections on Mater Dolorosa’s sorrows would be a different way to view the life of Jesus.

Our parish has a lovely Lenten series each year – Stations of the Cross and a speaker for the adults, activity/education for the kids. Although, my Montessori kid (a kindergartner last Lent) was truly bored with the material and wanted to stay with us adults. We get a lot from the speakers.

We have other fasts and such that we add in. My husband and I try to improve our prayer lives in addition to penance.
Oh thanks for the reply dumspirospero, that made everything clear. I don’t think I could fulfill a Black Fast at this time though. Good luck with yours if you do it.
Well I’ve had my mind on Lent for sometime now, since about November. I’m thinking on giving up meat, which is hard for me on Fridays alone. Of course I don’t want to put my health at risk so I’m still thinking on it and going to consult my doctor and priest.

Other than that I have no clue what to do for Lent.
last year i started fasting (not eating lunch but i had to have a slice of bread in the morning & juice as i take my high blood and cholesterol medications w/c should not be taken on empty stomach). my no lunch fasting from mon-fri begun on ash wednesday and lasted thru good friday. i didn’t plan to have the fasting that long but as days went by w/o lunch i gained confidence that i continued going on. i was surprised at myself for i even felt better. but the most surprising thing to me was when my doctor told me that my cholesterol level was 165 down from the 225 & 205 levels i had on previous tests. although i lost about 5 lbs from fasting, i didn’t have any regret. my high cholesterol had been my “mountain” but fasting leveled it. Praise the Lord. this lent i plan to repeat what i did last year and will add a 3 day retreat. pray for me
Here’s my Lenten Devotional’s

Sunday: Rosary
Monday: Chaplet of Crucifixion
Tuesday: Chaplet of Jesus Crowned with Thorns
Wednesday: Chaplet of the Precious Blood
Thursday: Chaplet of the Five Holy Wounds
Friday: No Meat, Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 3’o clock, Stations of the Cross
Saturday: Chaplet of the Sacred Heart, Chaplet of the Immaculate Heart

I’ll also be perparing my soul for that wonderful day when my conversion will be complete at the Easter Vigil when I’ll be reciving Confirmation and First Holy Communion!
Here’s my Lenten Devotional’s

Sunday: Rosary
Monday: Chaplet of Crucifixion
Tuesday: Chaplet of Jesus Crowned with Thorns
Wednesday: Chaplet of the Precious Blood
Thursday: Chaplet of the Five Holy Wounds
Friday: No Meat, Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 3’o clock, Stations of the Cross
Saturday: Chaplet of the Sacred Heart, Chaplet of the Immaculate Heart

I’ll also be perparing my soul for that wonderful day when my conversion will be complete at the Easter Vigil when I’ll be reciving Confirmation and First Holy Communion!
God be with you
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