Are You "Pro-Choice"?

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I heard a number of people tell me they are “Pro-Choice”. I am not sure what they are “Pro-Choice” about since none of them ever finish their sentence. I am losing sleep over this trying to figure it out.

I therefore decided to place a poll at Forums so I can figure out what people mean when they state they are “Pro-Choice” but never finish their sentence.
You know that if that is a finished statement people will have to state that they are for the choice of who can live and who can’t. That will mean that they would have to say that we don’t have the right to life in this country. That would not sit well with people if it were phrased that way. A good example of this how people reacted to the Kilo case. Everyone was up in arms as they should be by the decision of the court that people can take your property. I just wonder why people find that so suprising? After all if you can take away a person right to life surely their property is less important than life.
you know the answer is always “pro-choice to allow a woman to choose whether she wants to continue a pregnancy.” It’s never to choose to kill a child or abort a baby. It’s all flowery political language. Makes me sick honestly…

BTW… I didn’t vote but I’m pro-choice to all of the above except legalization of rape. What about pro-choice to choose the color of their vehicle when they are purchasing one? 😃
In the words of Bishop Hurley (Port Pirie Diocese, Australia) We need to reclaim the phrase ‘Pro-Choice’ as we Choose Life!!.
The radical femocrats and other lefty Doms have a marked tendacy to alter the english tongue to bribe and wash innocent minds into thinking that they have our best interests at heart.
They DONT!
Bishop Hurley also talked about the “Gift of Disability” that is being washed away in this epidemic genocide that is called abortion. How much a disabled person can and does contribute to society in the will for society to care for those less advantaged
I am Pro-Choice, that a woman can choose to give life, that an elderly and infirm person can choose to live with dignity until natural death. Let us choose life as the famous '80’s T-shirts used to say. “wake me up before you go-go!”
God Bless
Yes on hotdogs and returning Christmas to a religious holiday. I almost voted for “reinstituting prayer in public school” but chose against it for the word “reinstitute”. I think prayer should be allowed and perhaps some time set aside to allow students to pray, but I think I would feel uncomfortable with at least some teachers leading my child in prayer.
Oh, I’m pro-choice all the way. Let the child decide. That’s whose life it’s gonna affect the most.
Yes, but this situation could very easily go the other way around.

I was talking to this guy once, and he was like “Yeah so I’m pro-life.”
And I was like, "Pro-life what? Pro-life the legalization of rape in America?
And he was like, “Oh wow, you got me.”

That was the day I finaly found out what all these pro-lifers were talking about.

Ever since then I’ve become neither pro-life or pro-choice, but pro-natural selection.
Yes, but this situation could very easily go the other way around.
I was talking to this guy once, and he was like “Yeah so I’m pro-life.”
And I was like, "Pro-life what? Pro-life the legalization of rape in America?
And he was like, “Oh wow, you got me.”
That was the day I finaly found out what all these pro-lifers were talking about.
You could not POSSIBLY be equating the stance of being pro-life as being pro-legalization of rape.

So just exactly what ARE those pro-lifers talking about, in your opinion?
Dear Black Ghost:

I want to be sure that I have understood you correctly. Please forgive me if I have not, and accept my apologies if it takes me a while to understand.

Are you really saying that you think that pro-lifers are working to establish the legalization of rape in America?

How could this be? A thing is either legal or illegal. It is so made by degree of law.

To be found in possession of a malt beverage if you are under the age of 21 is illegal. The fact that many under-21s DO go around and drink malt beverages DOES NOT MAKE THAT A LEGAL ACTION. And that means that even if your local cop saw you and turned a “blind eye” that he somehow “legalizes underage drinking”–does it? Of course not.

Now. Suppose that some babies are conceived in an act of rape. Not ALL babies are conceived of in acts of rape, but sadly some are. That is not the fault of the mother, OR the baby (there is a baby, remember, and the baby is not the instigator of the rape). It is the fault of the father. Since when do we put a child to death for the illegal actions of the FATHER??

Again. Even if a child were conceived in an act of rape, that child deserves to live just as much as a child conceived in an act of love. If you are going with the “rape” criteria, then what about the many children conceived in acts of “love” OUTSIDE A MARRIAGE? This is not “rape”, is it? It is not. And what of those children conceived in acts of “indifference” or “carelessness”? Since when do we have a criteria or hierarchy that allows children to be conceived in circumstances involving parental sin (fornication, adultery) but suddenly “draws the line” at the sin of rape?

Further, and this is most important. . .

Prolife people are NOT involved in trying to “legalize” rape in that they beg that the life of a child conceived in rape be spared. The man who so victimizes the innocent woman AND child should be punished, as should any rapist, whether the act results in conception OR NOT.

So, just HOW do you argue that trying to save the life of the child (there are plenty of people who are willing to adopt children, and I am one of them and hope to be able to do so in the next couple of years). . .is somehow “legalizing rape?”

I would REALLY like to know. Is trying to save an innocent child somehow making the rape action legal? HOW?? I just cannot see where you make that leap. It does not seem logical.
The legalization of rape in America.
What planet are you from? Go to some of the prominant Pro-Life websites like Priests for Life, Pro-Life Action League and American Life League and I will gaurantee you there is nothing there promoting the legalization of rape. In fact, Jill Stanek from the Illinois Leader has many taped conversations with Abortuaries showing evidence the workers at the Abortuary’s would not turn in a rapist or sexual affender for having sex with a minor even if the Abortuary knew about it. It seems all the Abortuary’s are interested in is the money. Money is their god. Read Tantum ergo’s response to your rape claim.

What I do find funny though is when I visit Pro-Choice websites that are “for killing unborn babies in the mothers womb”. When I scan through many of these Pro-Abortion websites I also find out they also promote homosexuality, chemical abortifacients (birth control), the killing of babies who are three quarters born, killing human beings for the benefit of other human beings (human embryonic stem cell research) & oppose abstinence education.

Yes, but this situation could very easily go the other way around.

I was talking to this guy once, and he was like “Yeah so I’m pro-life.”
And I was like, "Pro-life what? Pro-life the legalization of rape in America?
And he was like, “Oh wow, you got me.”

That was the day I finaly found out what all these pro-lifers were talking about.

Ever since then I’ve become neither pro-life or pro-choice, but pro-natural selection.
The question “Pro-life the legalization of rape in America?” is unintelligible. If the question was “Pro-life on the life of rapists?” at least the question would make more sense and also happens to be worlds apart from the question “Pro-rape?” as you seem to imply. I’m also pro-life for the life of people who cheat on their taxes and run red lights, but does that mean I’m in favor of cheating on your taxes and running red lights? No. A reasonable person can’t accept that argument.
Tantum ergo:
Dear Black Ghost:
Jees, I have never seen more literal people in my life. I would think in the convorsation with this “guy” when I said “pro-life the legalization of rape in America” would give it away. The legalization of rape in America was one of the poll choices, I just switches pro-choice with pro-life. You guys are immensly funny.
Stuff about pro-choice websites
Wow all stuff I support. Except abstinence education, that should still be instituted.
The planet on which his sister and his cat have equal moral worth.

– Mark L. Chance.
Hahaha! You’re one of those board flamers that follows someone around flaming them. What a sad existence. I’m sorry.
Some stuff
Yeah that was one of the give-aways that it was a joke, the poor grammar.

Let me just take this time to apologize to everyone, next time at the bottom I shall write “THIS IS A JOKE!!!
Again sorry for this misunderstanding.
Let me just take this time to apologize to everyone, next time at the bottom I shall write “THIS IS A JOKE!!!
Cameron Diaz doesn’t think it’s a joke.
Dear Black Ghost:

Chacun a son gout–to each his own taste.

God bless.

I will pray for you.
I choose kraut and onions on my hotdog:p

In Chicago anything can go on the hot dog but ketchup. Don’f ask for ketchup or they will know you are from out of town.
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