Arguing from Daniel

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I heard a preacher on the radio last night arguing for the truth of the Bible from the prophecy of the four empires in Daniel. However, can’t it be argued perhaps that Daniel had paranormal perception on that night and saw into the future? It doesn’t really seem to argue for the existence of a Supreme God, or that it was this God, not a lesser god, commmunicating with him. I can also easily see non-believers saying that the prophecy seemed to come true during the Roman Empire precisely because the prophecy was known by Jesus. [After Jesus, there were the Islamic empires.] He knew he was born in the right city of the right family, and that this was the fourth empire. Perhaps this lead him to a deep religious experience and felt he was the Son of God. I believe in Jesus, but I don’t agree with C.S. Lewis’s 3 options. Jesus could have just experienced a hierophony-theophony and thought, because the oneness that he experienced with the divine reality, that he was the very Son of Yawah.
I think at most, you could argue for the divine inspiration of the book of Daniel from fulfillment of the prophecies therein. It’s a huuuuuuge stretch, IMO, to argue for the inspiration of the entire Bible from one book. Especially since the New Testament wouldn’t be written until centuries later.
I don’t think miracles are a good proof of anything really, unless one can experience the spiritual awaking happening around the miracle. There are lots of Buddhist incorruptables, did you know? How I see, gods working for Zeus could cause miracles for a certain religion just for the fun of it. Its not really about logical demonstration
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