I owe getting me thinking in this line of thought to our wonderful Pope Emeritus, in his mentioning of the Christian life having from the creation of the World the Logos, having rationality as foundational as opposed to a by product of irrationality, which itself would be irrational.
Anyway, nothing new under the sun and all, an argument like this may already be, but I don’t think it’s too popular if already well written beyond my capability in this precise way. If you have something constructive to add or a constructive critique, do not be afraid to comment. If you just have an axe to grind or something and don’t want to be productive, however, then this is not the place. Onto the argument. Please note that I am using the terms reasonable/rationality interchangeably here.
Reason exists. If the world were unreasonable, then what we think is reason is an illusionary by-product of irrational forces. If this were the case, then reason would be rather unreasonable, an absurdity. Reason is the product of mind. If reason exists and is the product of mind, then what must be behind the Universe and the reason demonstrated within is a preexisting Mind.
In summary, the argument can be proposed like this:
A second attack may come upon 2. This also seems obvious, as a lake or a rock doesn’t showcase rationality. It is only from mind that reason is shown. To imply that reason is possible without mind would be the charge of the one making this objection, as it is clear from all human experience to be truthful.
Anyway, nothing new under the sun and all, an argument like this may already be, but I don’t think it’s too popular if already well written beyond my capability in this precise way. If you have something constructive to add or a constructive critique, do not be afraid to comment. If you just have an axe to grind or something and don’t want to be productive, however, then this is not the place. Onto the argument. Please note that I am using the terms reasonable/rationality interchangeably here.
Reason exists. If the world were unreasonable, then what we think is reason is an illusionary by-product of irrational forces. If this were the case, then reason would be rather unreasonable, an absurdity. Reason is the product of mind. If reason exists and is the product of mind, then what must be behind the Universe and the reason demonstrated within is a preexisting Mind.
In summary, the argument can be proposed like this:
- Reason exists
- Reason is the product of a mind
- The Universe, or at least the reason contained within it, is the product of Mind
A second attack may come upon 2. This also seems obvious, as a lake or a rock doesn’t showcase rationality. It is only from mind that reason is shown. To imply that reason is possible without mind would be the charge of the one making this objection, as it is clear from all human experience to be truthful.