I’m presenting an argument for the existence of God tomorrow. Here’s my argument. I based it off this video. youtu.be/BAIHs5TJRqQ
Please let me know if you see any ways I can improve it. Also please pray for me.
Please let me know if you see any ways I can improve it. Also please pray for me.
- Change occurs
- Change is where a potential inherent to a substance is actualized
- A potential requires something that is already actual to actualize it; in other words a causer
- Things have the potential to lose their form or disintegrate
- Thus things require something to actualize their forms at any given moment in time
- This chain of actualizers could not be infinite and would have to terminate in something which would not need to have its potentialities actualized ex. Water
- This pure actuality or unactualized actualizer would be unchanging since change requires a potential to be actualized and pure actuality has no potentials
- Time requires change from moment to moment
- Since pure actuality is unchanging it will be eternal
- Since matter always has the potential to change form, pure actuality would be immaterial
- Imperfection is unactualized potential
- Since pure actuality has no potential it cannot possibly not be perfect
- There could only be one unactualized actualizer because if there were two they would be undifferentiable because actuality is perfect ex. Zeus, Hera, Athena
- Power is the ability to actualize potential
- Since this unactualized actualizer is pure actuality and the source of all actualization it cannot possibly lack power
- Something is good to the extent that it realizes the potentials inherent in its nature
- Since the unactualized actualizer is pure actuality it cannot not fulfill potentials and thus cannot not be good
- Intelligence is the ability to grasp abstract concepts (such as man or honest), the ability to combine different concepts into thoughts ( He is an honest man) and the ability to reason from one though to another ( honest men don’t lie; he is honest; therefore he doesn’t lie)
- The unactualized actualizer causes both the concrete things that concepts come from and any relationships between them
- A changer cannot actualize a potential that it doesn’t already have that potential actualized within itself
- ince the unactualized actualizer causes both intelligent beings to exist and causes all properties and relationships between things it must contain intelligence
- Since the unactualized actualizer causes all concepts it must be all knowing
- Thus there is an immaterial, all powerful, eternal, perfect, omnibenevolent, all knowing being of pure actuality in other words, there is a God