“Hypothesis dose not equal theory”
When an atheist argues against God using science, the first thing you will notice is that he uses hypothesises. It dosen’t matter if the hypothesis is built on a solid foundation - such as a law - because a scientific hypothesis, in and of itself, is an educated guess. Frequent hypothesises espoused by atheists include Infinite Universes (multiple universes exist), Eternal Universe (the Universe has always existed), Impossible Knowledge (no one can know where the Universe came from), Self-Creation (the Universe made itself), and The Force (an unknown force created the Universe). Less frequent hypothesises used include Alien Creation (extraterrestrials made the Universe), Mind Trick (nothing is real, it’s all in the mind), and Crunchverse (the Univere came from another universe). Not all atheists hold these hypotheses, only some. But there is a very easy to refute all of them: Knowledge! As far as science knows, the time before the Universe is unknown. Moreover, while something might be possble, it dosen’t necessarily mean it is real; for example: there is a possibility that aliens might exist. But this dosen’t mean that they do exist. Atheists tend to forget the distinction between possibility and reality. But they do bring up the fact that, the possibility of God existing dose not mean He dose exist. This is true. However, the hypothesis that God created the Universe dose have evidence to back it up. This evidence is the Big Bang, Evolution, and Human Reason. Ultimately, though, it comes down to whether God created the Universe, whether a force created the Universe, or whether the creator of the Universe is unknown.
“The Big Bang”
The theory of the Big Bang is frequently used to show that the Universe always existed. But the Big Bang actually shows that the Universe, far from being eternal, had a beginning. Something had to cause the Big Bang. What is it? Science dosen’t know. At least not yet. But we cannot evalute the present facts by a possible future finding. The evidence and knowledge we already have is our friend. Currently, we know some things about our Universe: everything in it has a beginning and an end; matter cannot be created or destroyed; and mostly everything abides by the laws of the Universe. Based on these facts, we can know that, whatever caused the Universe, had to be eternal, had to be able to create and destroy matter, and had to be above the laws of the Universe. Why? Because of exhaustion. You yourself cannot create or destroy matter because you are under the universal laws. You are less than the Universe. Something that cannot exhaust itself, that can create matter and destroy matter, and that is immune to the universal laws had to create the Universe, even if it means we go from this Universe to a previous universe, and from that universe to another universe, and so on and so forth, down the line, until we arrive at the “point” of no universe. Matter cannot create or destroy itself. Some atheists speculate that the previous universe had its own laws, but, while this may be true, it is nevertheless just a speculation. It is another hypothesis to support a hypothesis. But hypothesises cannot be supported by hypothesises; to be taken seriously, they must have facts, data. The theory of the Big Bang shows that something eternal and infinite in power and nature created the Universe, but what that is, science dosen’t know. However, if we move onto evolution, it will throw some light on the matter.
When an atheist argues against God using science, the first thing you will notice is that he uses hypothesises. It dosen’t matter if the hypothesis is built on a solid foundation - such as a law - because a scientific hypothesis, in and of itself, is an educated guess. Frequent hypothesises espoused by atheists include Infinite Universes (multiple universes exist), Eternal Universe (the Universe has always existed), Impossible Knowledge (no one can know where the Universe came from), Self-Creation (the Universe made itself), and The Force (an unknown force created the Universe). Less frequent hypothesises used include Alien Creation (extraterrestrials made the Universe), Mind Trick (nothing is real, it’s all in the mind), and Crunchverse (the Univere came from another universe). Not all atheists hold these hypotheses, only some. But there is a very easy to refute all of them: Knowledge! As far as science knows, the time before the Universe is unknown. Moreover, while something might be possble, it dosen’t necessarily mean it is real; for example: there is a possibility that aliens might exist. But this dosen’t mean that they do exist. Atheists tend to forget the distinction between possibility and reality. But they do bring up the fact that, the possibility of God existing dose not mean He dose exist. This is true. However, the hypothesis that God created the Universe dose have evidence to back it up. This evidence is the Big Bang, Evolution, and Human Reason. Ultimately, though, it comes down to whether God created the Universe, whether a force created the Universe, or whether the creator of the Universe is unknown.
“The Big Bang”
The theory of the Big Bang is frequently used to show that the Universe always existed. But the Big Bang actually shows that the Universe, far from being eternal, had a beginning. Something had to cause the Big Bang. What is it? Science dosen’t know. At least not yet. But we cannot evalute the present facts by a possible future finding. The evidence and knowledge we already have is our friend. Currently, we know some things about our Universe: everything in it has a beginning and an end; matter cannot be created or destroyed; and mostly everything abides by the laws of the Universe. Based on these facts, we can know that, whatever caused the Universe, had to be eternal, had to be able to create and destroy matter, and had to be above the laws of the Universe. Why? Because of exhaustion. You yourself cannot create or destroy matter because you are under the universal laws. You are less than the Universe. Something that cannot exhaust itself, that can create matter and destroy matter, and that is immune to the universal laws had to create the Universe, even if it means we go from this Universe to a previous universe, and from that universe to another universe, and so on and so forth, down the line, until we arrive at the “point” of no universe. Matter cannot create or destroy itself. Some atheists speculate that the previous universe had its own laws, but, while this may be true, it is nevertheless just a speculation. It is another hypothesis to support a hypothesis. But hypothesises cannot be supported by hypothesises; to be taken seriously, they must have facts, data. The theory of the Big Bang shows that something eternal and infinite in power and nature created the Universe, but what that is, science dosen’t know. However, if we move onto evolution, it will throw some light on the matter.