To anyone who has raised children, this may be an amusing thread.
I didn’t threaten my children. I made promises.
And I kept them.
And to those who say that a 6 month child does not understand directions concerning behavior, I promise to pick myself up from the floor after laughing so hard I cry.
I have twin daughters and even at 6 months old, it was clear one led and one followed; but as they sat propped up in their crib (with so many stuffed toys they could not fall over) they occasionally got into a pulling dispute over one. When I heard the ruckus begin, I stepped in and said “If you don’t stop fighting, I will take the toy away.”
If the fight commenced again, I walked in and took the toy away. I didn’t get into who started it; I didnt repeat myself; I just ended it; and I never walked in the second time and repeated what I had said; I just kept my promise. It did not take very long and they got the message - so much for all the parents who “corrected” me telling me that children at that age could not understand. Maybe their child didn’t, but my twins did; and maybe they “threatened” the child, rather than keeping promises.
All of which is short for the issue of “threats”. As to Hell, God does not send us there. We choose it. We are given choices, and we choose; granted that some (if not many) of our choices have an emotional aspect to it, we still choose. Our parents don’t make us choose bad things, we do it quite well and efficiently on our own. and granted that all too many parents may speak of "either you (do or don’t do) this or you will go to hell, the bottom line is we choose. And yes, fear can be a motivating factor; but we still choose in spite of the fact that many weak individuals blame everyone except self.