Ark of the Covenant

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In 2 Maccabees 2 : 4 - 8 relates the Ark’s current location by the prophet Jeremiah. It is to be rediscovered when God gathers his people (Jews).
If this will be a future actual event it would cause a major resurgence in Hebraic awareness of the God of their forefathers.
The Israelis would obviously interpret this tremendous discovery as a sign from God.
A burning desire to build the 3rd temple would be a must.
This discovery would infuriate the Muslim world, and convert countless number of Christians of all faiths. The location of the Ark at Mt. Nebo would tend to indicate a literal interpretation.
This scripture is present for a profound reason.
Any symbolic significance would not have a clear purpose.
A minor quake by the hand of God would reveal its location.

Danny Jimenez
If the ark were discovered, many christians would rejoice. In fact, when Isreal became a nation again in 1948 many christian groups rejoiced.
Daniel Marsh:
If the ark were discovered, many christians would rejoice. In fact, when Isreal became a nation again in 1948 many christian groups rejoiced.
Catholics could probably respond to any such find with as much excitement as any significant archarological discovery. Other than that, it should not mean much to us.

Christ is the fulfilment of the Ark’s contents. Mary is the fulfilment of the Ark. Since we have the fulfilment, why rave over the foreshadowing? We have the real stuff.
Mary is the fulfilment of the Ark.
Come again!! :eek:

What in the world does that mean? :confused:
So at the end of Ch. 11 of Revelations, the heavens open up and in God’s temple the Ark of the Covenant is revealed. In Ch. 12, the ark is replaced by the woman crowned with stars. The woman and the Ark of the Covenant are revealed as one and the same. In the Old Testament, the ark contains three things: (1) the stone tablets of the Ten Commandments, (2) a jar containing some of the manna which God provided in the desert in Exodus, and (3) the staff of Aaron, the 1st high priest of the Old Law. Because of what it held inside, the Ark of the Covenant’s presence became synonymous with the presence of God among the Israelites. Where goes the Ark, so goes the presence of Yahweh.
 Luke also understood Mary is the new Ark of the Covenant, as revealed in his account of the Visitation (cf. Lk. 1:39-56). Let's see how he compares Mary's visitation to Elizabeth with the ark's bearing the presence of God to Jerusalem in 2 Samuel Ch. 6:

    **2 Samuel 6**
  • David arose and went back to Judah. (v2)
  • David says, “How can the Ark of the Lord come to me?” (v9)
  • The ark resided there for three months. (v11)
  • The people rejoice ….“amid the festivities”. (v12)
  • They brought the ark “amid shouts of joy”. (v15)
  • David leaps and dances before the ark (v16)
Luke 1
  • Mary arose and went to the hill country of Judah.(v39)
  • Elizabeth says, “Who am I that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” (v43)
  • Mary stays three months with Elizabeth.(v56)
  • Mary rejoices “in God my Savior”. (v47)
  • Elizabeth cries out in a loud voice “Blessed are you among women” (v42).
  • The babe leaps in Elizabeth’s womb at Mary’s greeting (v41)
Luke also related Mary to the ark in Exodus. "The Spirit of God would overshadow and rest on the ark (vf. Ex. 40:34), thus showing the people the presence of God. In the Gospel, the angel Gabriel tells Mary that the Holy Spirit will come upon her and overshadow her (cf. Lk. 1:35). If in the Old Testament belief, the ark, which was made of gold and wood, held such a place of honor due to its mediating the presence of God, should we be surprised that Mary holds a place of surpassing honor in New Testament worship? The ark bore the presence of God and, after the Annunciation, Mary bore God in her womb. Just as the ark contained a) the tablets of the Old Law, b) the manna, and c) the staff of Aaron, Mary holds in her womb Jesus Christ the Messiah who is a) the New Law, b) the true bread from heaven, and c) the true high priest who offers His own life for us.

The Church, which is the New Israel, understands that the role of the Ark of the Covenant has been transferred to Mary. “She bore Christ’s presence to the world and is the spiritual mother of all Christians” (cf. Rev. 12:17). In the Old Testament, the ark also served as a mighty weapon in Israel’s holy wars. The Book of Numbers tells us that “whenever the ark set out, Moses said, 'Arise, O Lord, and let thy enemies be scattered; and let them that hate thee flee before thee” (Num. 10:35). Mary also assumed the role of the ark, in the battles with the New Israel’s enemy, Satan. “She is granted power and protection over the dreaded dragon, who cannot prevail against her” (Rev. 12:13-16).

Just as the Ark of the Covenant was made holy by its contents, Mary was made holy by the Son of God, made flesh within her womb. If the ark was rightly revered in Israel’s liturgy, Mary, the Ark of the New Covenant, should have a place of great honor in the liturgy and life of the new Israel, the Church. Therefore, the Catechism declares that “Mary, the all-holy ever-virgin Mother of God, is the masterwork of the mission of the Son and the Spirit in the fullness of time” (no. 721). Because she is God’s masterwork, it is no wonder that all generations shall call her blessed.

Mary is the new Ark of the Covenant.

Better said as " The Ark of the New Covenant". The other held tablets of stone, Mary carried the Word Incarnate within her body.

If the other was so precious and holy that to touch it was to die, can you imagine Christ being carried in an ark of less purity and holiness?

I can’t.
Point taken CM.

It should also be noted that the Early Church Fathers taught this as well. This is not an invention of a latter day Pope.

St. Hippolytus (c. 170-c. 236)

At that time, the Savior coming from the Virgin, the Ark, brought forth His own Body into the world from that Ark, which was gilded with pure gold within by the Word, and without by the Holy Ghost; so that the truth was shown forth, and the Ark was manifested…And the Savior came into the world bearing the incorruptible Ark, that is to say His own body” (S. Hippolytus, In, Patr. Gr., Tom. 10, p. 648) (Blessed Virgin, p. 77).
**St. Athanasius** (c. 296-373)
“Be mindful of us, most holy virgin, who after childbirth didst remain virgin; and grant to us for these small words great gifts from the riches of they graces, O thou full of grace. Accept them as though they were true and adequate praises in they honor; and if there is in them any virtue and any praise, we offer them as a hymn from ourselves and from all creatures to thee, full of grace, Lady, Queen, Mistress, Mother of God, and Ark of sanctification” (Orat. In Deip. Annuntiat, nn. 13, 14. Int. Opp. S. Athanasii) (Blessed Virgin, p. 80).
**St. Jerome** (c. 345-420)
Behold one in truth, the handmaid of the Lord. Holy she is, in whom is no guile, all simplicity…The spouse of Christ is the ark of the covenant, within and without overlaid with gold, a keeper of the law of the Lord. As in the ark there was nothing but the tables of the Testament, so too in thee no one from outside should be thought of. Over this propitiatory, as though upon the Cherubim, the Lord is pleased to sit…The Apostle thus defines a virgin, that she should be holy in body and in spirit… (Epist. Xxii., Ad Eustoch. Nn. 18, 19, 21, 24) (Blessed Virgin, p. 216).

And numerous others.

If the scripture in 2 Maccabees (2 : 4 - 7) is a literal event it will heighten the resolve of the counry of Israel big time, and they will become mindful of their forefathers, and strive to keep the old law. Many Christians will become true believers as well from this event, and the Muslims will be so furious, since it would validate a major portion of the truth of Jewish history.
It may not be literal, but symbolic. If it is literal, the Jews will do everything in their power to rebuild the Temple, even at the expense of the Dome of the Rock, and other Muslim Mosques.
I keep hearing of the revival of the Jewish priesthood, and their preparations, as if the Temple will become a reality.
That is what motivation can do to a person, or a people.
We shall just wait and see what develops. Perhaps a small earthquake will reveal the entrance to the ark of the covenant, saved for a special moment on God’s time scale.

Danny Jimenez
BTW, I thought the Original Ark had been found (no Indiana Jones jokes here, please). Isn’t it understood that the original Ark was taken up into heaven? I thought the Church taught that John’s vision in Revelations was true regarding this matter, although I could be wrong.

In 2 Maccabees 2 : 4 - 8 relates the Ark’s current location by the prophet Jeremiah. It is to be rediscovered when God gathers his people (Jews).
If this will be a future actual event it would cause a major resurgence in Hebraic awareness of the God of their forefathers.
The Israelis would obviously interpret this tremendous discovery as a sign from God.
A burning desire to build the 3rd temple would be a must.
This discovery would infuriate the Muslim world, and convert countless number of Christians of all faiths. The location of the Ark at Mt. Nebo would tend to indicate a literal interpretation.
This scripture is present for a profound reason.
Any symbolic significance would not have a clear purpose.
A minor quake by the hand of God would reveal its location.

Danny Jimenez
Well if it is to be literally found, then it would be in what is now modern day Jordan. Not a good idea if you ask me.:bigyikes:
The ark of the covenant concealed by Jeremiah was meant only for the Jews in the present trouble they endure daily.
Jesus did say that in the final restoration of Israel the heart of the Jews would be replaced by a new heart that Christ would provide.
The ark of the covenant would only serve as an initial step to awaken their spirituality. It would also serve to strength their resolve in battle.
For the Jews it would be regarded as a sign from God himself, that he was still with them.
God can make as many arks as he pleases.

This I believe would be the case, if the scripture is a literal event.

Well if it is to be literally found, then it would be in what is now modern day Jordan. Not a good idea if you ask me.:bigyikes:
For God there is nothing impossible.
If the scripture in 2 Maccabees (2 : 4 - 7) is a literal event it will heighten the resolve of the counry of Israel big time, and they will become mindful of their forefathers, and strive to keep the old law. Many Christians will become true believers as well from this event, and the Muslims will be so furious, since it would validate a major portion of the truth of Jewish history.
It may not be literal, but symbolic. If it is literal, the Jews will do everything in their power to rebuild the Temple, even at the expense of the Dome of the Rock, and other Muslim Mosques.
I keep hearing of the revival of the Jewish priesthood, and their preparations, as if the Temple will become a reality.
That is what motivation can do to a person, or a people.
We shall just wait and see what develops. Perhaps a small earthquake will reveal the entrance to the ark of the covenant, saved for a special moment on God’s time scale.

Danny Jimenez
So, you believe that the temple will be re-built? I started a thread on this forum which included the same info you just wrote in this post. It was called the “Four Legged Bomb”. I got called on the carpet for it. CM admolished me for it too. He got a real hoot out of it. I just read 2 Maccabees (2:4-7). I can’t say that I read this into Maccabees so where did you get your info about the temple?
Well if it is to be literally found, then it would be in what is now modern day Jordan. Not a good idea if you ask me.:bigyikes:
Believe it or not the Falasha Jews of Ethiopa claim to have possession of the Ark of the Covenant ever since Menanick (supposedly the son of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba) stole it from Jerusalem. There are also theories floating around that the Knights Templar located it there as well. The most popularized version of this theory is found in Graham Hancock’s book: *The Sign and the Seal. *Here’s a taste for anyone who’s interested.
In our statements we should always adhere to the teachings of the Church. There is a reference to the sacrifice and oblation that will cease. This, if it is a literal event, is revealed to occur based on the revelations of the prophet Daniel. Chapter 9 : 27.
If literal, I refuse to believe this has anything to do with our beloved Church, the Vatican, and the sacrifice we participate in every Mass.
I do not assert, but consider the possibilities, especially since Israel is the focal point of the final confrontation of good and evil. The ongoing preparations needed to carry out the edicts of God in the Old Testament, regarding the Temple, may be part of his overall plan to rescue the chosen people.
The offerings and sacrifices that will be forced to cease can infer that the Temple may be rebuilt. Only God knows.
There is one scripture that I find very interesting to add to what I have stated…

I came in the name of my Father, but you do not accept me.
If another comes in his own name, you will accept him.
John 5 : 43
It would seem that one day a political figure might come to the rescue of Israel, and perhaps bring a false, but temporary peace where the Jews will be allowed to recontruct the Temple for the sacrifice and oblation to begin after so many centuries.

This is speculation based on scripture.
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