Article on Belgian "euthanasia packs"

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Euthanasia was already legal there. Maybe I don’t understand what’s going on here, but I don’t see what difference it makes how they package and sell the drugs.
Belgium and the Netherlands are the only countries in Europe that have legalized euthanasia. Nevertheless, the drive toward legalized euthanasia is taking place in other countries with varying degrees of success.
Switzerland allows assisted suicide; assisted suicide differs from euthanasia in that the physician only provides the person with the means of committing suicide. As a consequence, Switzerland has seen an upswing in “suicide tourism,” with citizens of other nations traveling to the Alpine country to end their lives.
Apparently there is a consumer demand for ending one’s life. But consumers also would want to legalize meth and cocaine. Giving people what they ask for isn’t always a good idea - its why we don’t give drunks their car keys.
Guar Fan:
Apparently there is a consumer demand for ending one’s life. But consumers also would want to legalize meth and cocaine. Giving people what they ask for isn’t always a good idea - its why we don’t give drunks their car keys.
Guar Fan:

Absolutely correct.

They’ve obviously decided to drop the Hypocratic Oath, “I will neither give nor offer any deadly poison,… neither will I do harm.”

I am amazed at how many people decide that they want to live when their pain is managed and they can see their loved ones.

I’m also amazed at what we can learn about our own faith when we allow people to die naturally rather than doing something like what the Europeans are doing.

In Christ, Michael

Did you forget Oregon and its “assisted suicide” law?

And Terri Schiavo’s case? They are both evidence of the same movement that is taking place in Europe. Europe hass simply less moral constraints than you have.
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