Artificial Birth consequence

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For years I used some form of artificial birth control. I had never been taught of the evil of it and never really thought about it. I wasn’t in the Catholic Church and was taught that it was the responsible thing to do. I also never really understood how they worked. Recently I was watching a program that explained how the IUD and the pill work. While I was watching it just hit me, very emotionally, that I have babies in Heaven that I had no idea that I had killed. I think about that now and I suppose its a form of grieving for my lost babies. Tears come to my eyes when I think about it. When I see the little footprint pins I think of my babies. It came to my mind that someday when I get to Heaven I will see them. I know I will have to answer to them one day. I’ve never heard anyone express feelings like this before and wondered if I’m just being scrupulous.
For years I used some form of artificial birth control. I had never been taught of the evil of it and never really thought about it. I wasn’t in the Catholic Church and was taught that it was the responsible thing to do. I also never really understood how they worked. Recently I was watching a program that explained how the IUD and the pill work. While I was watching it just hit me, very emotionally, that I have babies in Heaven that I had no idea that I had killed. I think about that now and I suppose its a form of grieving for my lost babies. Tears come to my eyes when I think about it. When I see the little footprint pins I think of my babies. It came to my mind that someday when I get to Heaven I will see them. I know I will have to answer to them one day. I’ve never heard anyone express feelings like this before and wondered if I’m just being scrupulous.
You are experiencing a profound and generous grace which has come to you out of the loving heart of God. Thank him for it, come to Confession, and live the rest of your life in penance and peace.
While I was watching it just hit me, very emotionally, that I have babies in Heaven that I had no idea that I had killed.

This happens naturally to women as well. Many times their body will expell a joined egg and sperm, without taking the pill or using an I.U.D and have know idea this ever happened.
Taken from website
Natural Family Planning
*“Love is essentially a gift; and conjugal love…does not end with the couple, because it makes them capable of the greatest possible gift, the gift by which they become cooperators with God for giving life to a new human person.” *

-Pope John Paul II (Familiaris Consortio, 1981)


arenthood is an awesome and joyful vocation. Yet bringing children into the world and into a relationship is never an easy decision because of the tremendous responsibilities that being a parent brings. How couples respond to and communicate about their own procreative powers is an extremely important element of their marriage. Thanks to all the research that has been done, with the modern methods of Natural Family Planning (NFP), couples now have the ability to understand and better communicate what it fully means to have the power to create life. Natural Family Planning is unique among the methods of family planning because it enables its users to work with the body rather than against it. Fertility is viewed as a reality to live, not a problem to be solved.

Natural Family Planning is an umbrella term for certain methods used to achieve, postpone, or avoid pregnancies. These methods are based on scientific research and are based on observations of the naturally occurring signs and symptoms of the fertile and infertile phases of a woman’s menstrual cycle. Couples using NFP to postpone a pregnancy abstain from intercourse during the fertile phase of the woman’s cycle. No drugs, devices, or surgical procedures are used to avoid or achieve a pregnancy. NFP reflects the dignity of the human person within the context of marriage and family life, promotes openness to life, and recognizes the value of a child. By respecting the love-giving and life-giving natures of marriage, NFP can enrich the bond between husband and wife.

There are different methods of NFP, but the most modern and common methods are the Billings Ovulation and the Sympto-Thermal. The Billings Ovulation Method uses a technique of Natural Fertility Awareness, based on the woman’s understanding of the cervical mucus changes. With this knowledge, the couple is able to identify the days of infertility, possible fertility, and maximum fertility. With the Sympto-Thermal Method, couples are instructed to recognize the signs to cross check. These signs include the changes in basal body temperature, cervical mucus, and cervix. When couples are taught by competent teachers, understand the methods, and are motivated to follow them, NFP is up to 99% successful in spacing or limiting births.

NFP programs vary, offering classes and/or personalized instruction. The Archdiocese of Chicago, through the Family Ministries Office, offers NFP classes every month at various locations.

For information on classes, information sessions, teachers’ training, and registration, please contact the NFP coordinator in the Family Ministries Office at (312) 751-8273.

**Building Better Marriages through Natural Family Planning **

Natural Family Planning allows couples to integrate their fertility with their family planning intention and to remain faithful to God’s design for human sexuality.

It also respects God’s design of the marital act to be: fully human, permanent, faithful, exclusive, and fruitful.

Benefits of using NFP

· Can be used to achieve, postpone, and avoid a pregnancy.

· Gives couples better understanding and appreciation of fertility.

· Safe, reliable, and healthy.

· Increases intimacy.

· Increases communication.

· Couples share family planning responsibility.

· Causes no harm nor has any side effects.

Couples that are married by a justice of peace – 50% of marriages end in divorce.

Couples married by the Church – 33% of marriages end in divorce.

Couples married by the Church and attend Church together – 2% end in divorce.

Couples using NFP – 2-5% end in divorce.

Couples married by the Church, pray together, and use NFP - .001 – 1% end in divorce.

(Statistical information from “The Practice of Natural Family Planning Versus the Use of Artificial Birth Control: Family, Sexual and Moral Issues” by Mercedes Arzu Wilson, in Catholic Social Science Review, Vol VII, Nov. 2002)
You are not the only person who fell in with the terrible lies of our age. Now that you know, the advice of Mercygate is good. Do your best to spread the truth, whenever you can, about the consequences of using artificial contraception, including your own remorse. People may not listen as you would like, but they will at least be enlightened about the gravity of their acts, unlike those of the previous generation, like you, who must bear the burden of their ignorance.
God is merciful in the face of all repentance, yours included. Think of the courage of those women who have worn signs stating how much they regret their abortions, and what it must take for a person to acknowlege their sins publicly. The humiliation of it is nothing compared to the mercy they will recieve from God, who desires this very thing. Your brothers and sisters in Christ who committed these same sins are with you in spirit, repentance and prayer.
While I was watching it just hit me, very emotionally, that I have babies in Heaven that I had no idea that I had killed.

This happens naturally to women as well. Many times their body will expell a joined egg and sperm, without taking the pill or using an I.U.D and have know idea this ever happened.
While accurate, that situation is vastly different than one who intentionally contracepts.
I don’t see how you can know for sure you aborted babies. It may be likely, but it isn’t certain. If you’re Catholic now, go to confession.

For a sin to be mortal, you must have full knowledge of the severity of the action. Clearly you didn’t. I’m glad you now know the truth.
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