, so the burden is left on me with the only option left available, latex prophylactics. I have in the past stated my aversion to using such things, my wife thinks it is crazy. I am trying.
I hope the document helped clear up for you that you cannot contracept. So, this practice of using condoms is problematic. Continence may be necessary until your wife is willing to explore NFP.
I do go by what the church teaches, however, in discussions with RCIA leaders and others in the Church, I have found that the teaching itself is open to interpretation, or so it seems.
No, it is not “open to interpretation”. The Church’s teaching is
clear, definite, and readily available to you. I am sorry that people have misled you.
The Pope went with the minority opinion of the cardinals and has never proclaimed the practice law so to speak.
This is incorrect. Again, I’m sorry people have led you to believe otherwise.
Very confusing, there are priests all over (Roman Catholic Priests in communion with Rome) who disagree with the teaching etc. This is why I said before that it doesn’t appear written in stone.
The fact that priests sin does not negate the doctrine of the Church. They will have the sin of disobedience and of leading others to sin on their shoulders. The Church has censured theologians and priests for holding a dissenting position on contraception. Unfortunately, the Vatican and the Bishops cannot be everywhere, hear every homily or conversation, and police every priest.
However, what the Bishops can do, and what they
have done, is present the teaching clearly so that all may know what it is. That is why this clear teaching is found in the Catechism. Anyone teaching something other than what is in the Catechism is teaching wrongly. Period.
I am attempting to walk a tight rope here in presenting this or that to her and still keep our marriage secure.
Remember Our Lord’s words: what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his life?
While it is quite right that you are trying to “keep our marriage secure” you can do *only *those things that do not cause you to sin.
You must keep your soul, your eternal salvation at the forefront-- and hers too. Sinning to “gain” a secure marriage may cause you to “lose” what is really important-- your relationship with God.