Artificial Wombs (or making mothers obsolete)

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From foetus to full term - without a mother’s touch
*By Ainsley Newson
* wombs, to bring a foetus of a human being to full term outside a woman’s body, could become a reality within 20 years, scientists have predicted.

This could present great advantages in the case of very premature babies, which could be nurtured to full pregnancy term in artificial wombs, thereby reducing the risk of long-term developmental problems.

NI_MPU(‘middle’);Such technology might also appeal to those who cannot have children naturally, such as women with a damaged uterus or no uterus at all, or to gay couples. The need for surrogate mothers could disappear.

Experiments with human embryos, mice and goats have already had some success. But the technology raises significant ethical challenges and should not proceed without full ethical debate, Frida Simonstein, of Ben Gurion University in Israel, said.

She told a weekend conference in Barcelona on ethics and emerging medical technologies that these problems were not insurmountable.

“Society now expects better outcomes for premature babies. Society also demands improvement in IVF effectiveness. Yet society should be equally aware that these demands require research that leads to the development of an artificial womb.

“We must start discussing this topic now while we have still enough time to decide what we may want, and why.”

In 2002 Hung-Ching Liu, at Cornell University, in the United States, announced that her team had successfully grown a sample of cells from the lining of a human uterus and had used tissue engineering technologies to shape them like a womb.

When a fertilised human egg was introduced into the womb, it implanted into the uterus wall as it would in a natural pregnancy. The experiment was ceased at six days’ gestation, because of legal limits on human embryo experimentation.

Japanese scientists brought goat foetuses to full term using so-called “uterine tanks” after removing them mid-pregancy from their mother’s womb.

In further womb research by Dr Liu’s team, mouse embryos were grown nearly to term in artificial wombs but, as in the Japanese experiments, the newborn animals did not survive.

Artificial wombs are not yet safe for human pregnancies. But if, as expected, the technology can one day be applied in human beings, scientific advantages may result.

But Richard Ashcroft, reader in medical ethics at Imperial College London, fears a “foetal rescue act” to force drug or alcohol-addicted mothers to have their foetuses surgically removed. “I couldn’t think of anything worse,” he said.

It is also feared that scientists involved in cloning could continue their experiments without the need for surrogate mothers. There is a danger too that some women who want babies but cannot face pregnancy or childbirth could take advantage of the artificial wombs — one step beyond being “too posh to push”. If they see their babies growing in a tank, would they bond with their newborns, or view them as commodities? Dr Ashcroft said: “Is creating children with artificial wombs having children at all, or is it a kind of manufacturing of children? It is deeply dangerous.” The issue will add fresh fuel to the abortion debate.,2-1755908,00.html
WOW!!! The New Age of Eugenics aka Here comes the new Master Race.

Start out small with Parenting Licenses so that the unfit can’t have babies (maybe let them have pets instead).

A PR campaign to persuade women that they have the RIGHT to be able to have a child without having to go through all the negative side-effects of pregnancy.

Combine IVF with artificial wombs and they can practically guarantee that no defective babies will ever be born.

The powers that be can then totally control reproduction.
Eileen T:
WOW!!! The New Age of Eugenics aka Here comes the new Master Race…

Combine IVF with artificial wombs and they can practically guarantee that no defective babies will ever be born.

The powers that be can then totally control reproduction.
I heard Johnette Benkovic predict this a couple of years ago and I thought that’s pretty far out and could be a little paranoid. What did I know?
Now I know better.
Yup, Brave new world, here we come. Aldous Huxley was more prophetic than he knew.
I read an article around new years 2000 in one of those weekly news magazines where some \one was predicting that by the year 2100 almost no one (at least in the Western World ) would be having babies the “Old fashoined way” anymore- they would mix 'em up in a petri dish, select for gender- screen for disabilities, and grow 'em in artificial wombs, thus eliminating the need for birth control and abortions, or women having to put up with pregnancy.
Eileen T:
WOW!!! The New Age of Eugenics aka Here comes the new Master Race.

Start out small with Parenting Licenses so that the unfit can’t have babies (maybe let them have pets instead).

A PR campaign to persuade women that they have the RIGHT to be able to have a child without having to go through all the negative side-effects of pregnancy.

Combine IVF with artificial wombs and they can practically guarantee that no defective babies will ever be born.

The powers that be can then totally control reproduction.
It’s always been my feeling that this is what most of the world will be doing when the 2nd coming happens, and Christ comes back.
Put’s a new spin on that verse in Luke 23: 28-31.
I’ve always felt that a tremendous amount of bonding goes on between a mother and her child in the womb- I agree that artificial wombs may make it harder for women to bond with their babies.
I can see some positive in this article. My neice delivered twins at 24 weeks. We were told that they were not viable until 26 weeks. After many bouts of the emotional roller coaster where there was hope, and then another setback would occur, they died after being with us about 2 weeks. An artificial womb might just have saved these babies. Let’s hope that if the technology is developed we use it for good.
I can see some positive in this article. My neice delivered twins at 24 weeks. We were told that they were not viable until 26 weeks. After many bouts of the emotional roller coaster where there was hope, and then another setback would occur, they died after being with us about 2 weeks. An artificial womb might just have saved these babies. Let’s hope that if the technology is developed we use it for good.
I meant to mention that absolutley- there could be a good, legitimate moral use for these- of course the saving of premature babies. Unfortunatley in our fallen state people will also want to use them for the things mentioned above unless we have a Christian/Catholic culture of life.
I would want to see some sort of legislation stating that they could ONLY be used to save premature infants.
Unfortunately, there is another use for artificial wombs that I did not mention in my earlier post.

The definition of when life begins has been changed, by bioethicists, to be at the time of implantation in a woman’s womb, rather than at fertilisation. This has now become the medical and legal interpretation.

This allows for cloning and growing embryos outside of the womb for experimentation.

Biotechnicians are more than likely to use artificial wombs to grow a fetus past the currently permitted 14 days. The longer time will mean more tissue and organs available for harvesting.
I’ve always felt that a tremendous amount of bonding goes on between a mother and her child in the womb- I agree that artificial wombs may make it harder for women to bond with their babies.
That’s all right, thats why god invented nannies and boarding school.
What’s going on in this world? first they want sex without pregnancy now they want pregnancy without sex and there’re some who want both.
What’s going on in this world? first they want sex without pregnancy now they want pregnancy without sex and there’re some who want both.
Here is a quote from The Telegraph in the UK…

Increasing numbers of fertile women are opting for IVF treatment because it provides them with an “instant” pregnancy, according to the Daily Telegraph. Michael Dooley, a gynaecologist, obstetrician and fertility expert, said that in the past five years he has seen a 20 per cent increase in the number of patients seeking “inappropriate or premature” IVF treatment. He said, “Many of these couples are simply not having sex or not having enough sex. Conception has become medicalised. It’s too clinical. There has been a trend away from having sex and loving relationships towards medicalised conception.”]
Something that occurs to me - if this materializes, pro-aborts will have a much harder time defending their position that abortion is permissable bacause a woman has no obligation to “host” her “parasite” baby. How will they be aboe to justify killing the baby in order to remove it, if the baby could be transferred to an artificial womb and survive? Will they be required to attempt to save the baby in this way, or will they still be allowed to kill it because it is “unwanted”?
Something that occurs to me - if this materializes, pro-aborts will have a much harder time defending their position that abortion is permissable bacause a woman has no obligation to “host” her “parasite” baby. How will they be aboe to justify killing the baby in order to remove it, if the baby could be transferred to an artificial womb and survive? Will they be required to attempt to save the baby in this way, or will they still be allowed to kill it because it is “unwanted”?
You’re right, they won’t be able to use the “hardship on the woman” argument that has been usedto justify abortion since 1973-on the other hand, as Eileen T inferred, it will probably open the way to "fetus farming"on a scale hertofore unseen- they’ll probably find a way to convince the public that these embryos/fetuses arent persons and are needed for cures for sick people,ect.
I also think, as I inferrered earlier, that parents who choose this method of having children won’t bond with their unborn the way they would if the woman were carrying it so they will be more likely to use “quality control” measures to dispose of it if things aren’t “perfect” and the public may not even know about it because it wouldn’t involve any actual surgery on the woman.
I also think, as I inferrered earlier, that parents who choose this method of having children won’t bond with their unborn the way they would if the woman were carrying it so they will be more likely to use “quality control” measures to dispose of it if things aren’t “perfect” and the public may not even know about it because it wouldn’t involve any actual surgery on the woman.
Too true.
Something that occurs to me - if this materializes, pro-aborts will have a much harder time defending their position that abortion is permissable bacause a woman has no obligation to “host” her “parasite” baby.
Equally pro-some-lifers will have a problem, if a woman doesnt want a kid should the kids be removed and put in the AW?

Will they take in the unwanted child?
Equally pro-some-lifers will have a problem, if a woman doesnt want a kid should the kids be removed and put in the AW?

Will they take in the unwanted child?
Presumably an unwanted child in an AW would be in the same situation, legally, as any abandoned child. If killing them is justified, then why not kill older abandoned children instead of putting them in foster care or adoptive homes?
I would imagine- as long as abortion is legal the way it is now-the woman could refuse to do so(transfer to AW)-just as she can refuse to put the child up for adoption now- and have the abortion.
It would make for more ethical dilemmas- that’s for sure-
Otherwise- if the fetus was transferred to an AW- hopefully there would be lots of prolifers/infertile couples wanting to adopt the child.
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