our experience in heaven will be very different to that of our earthly existence. For starters, no sin or evil. Everything there is good.
Moreover, everything that IS good will be realised in full and its effects are multiplied almost infinite-fold. We are given eternal life, which is not to say an endless era of existence, but because we are with God, it is the completion of life. A life that death and sin cannot touch. We do not need to ask questions, because as we are with God, He who is Truth and is infinite wisdom is truly with us and us with Him always.
We must worship Him, because He is worth loving, and only because He has loved us first. He has given us life, and free will so that out of the darkness that surrounds us, we can come to him willingly. However, because of our human nature, our experience of God is severely limited. “For now I see a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, then I shall understand fully.” (1 Cor 13:12)