As Catholics schools jettison truth, they succumb to progressive ideology

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Headline is akin to “So, are you still beating your dog?”

This world is full of Catholic Schools which strive to fulfill their mission to their students and to the Church. Painting with a broad brush is simply uncharitable.

I encourage everyone to volunteer their time to their Catholic school, to get to know the teachers and staff, to gain first hand knowledge and help your local school.
I think she was writing mostly about Catholic universities which are losing their Catholicity to secularism. Yet, she did find a good Catholic university for her daughter.
The headline is misleading, in that “schools” are considered different from colleges.

The problem is that colleges were identified as ‘Catholic’ decades ago, and generally retain that designation even if they are mostly secularized.

Even if a Bishop isn’t thrilled with a local college, he doesn’t want to give up the slight influence he still has, by declaring it no longer Catholic. Also, the local media and a Religious orders may trash the bishop .most bishops have too many other struggle going on now.

What the Church should do is designate a college or any institution as Catholic for a ten year period. At the end of that time an assessment can be made, to recertify for another ten years…or not.
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From the article:
“St. Augustine may not have said that truth was like a lion that can defend itself. But, of course, truth often does need defending. So we need to wake up and speak out. The endgame to progressive ideologies is to destroy. And we’ve already seen signs of destruction as ideologies have moved into the streets. This university was itself the victim of vandalism during this summer’s civil unrest. Statues on campus were damaged by rioters. Sadly, the school’s response was to simply remove the statues — in effect, to cancel itself.”

It seems that a lot of nominally Catholic universities have just run up the white flag and surrendered their Catholicism. That just furthers the destruction of the culture, the student’s faith, and the continued downfall of the larger society.
It seems that a lot of nominally Catholic universities have just run up the white flag and surrendered their Catholicism
It happens in different ways.
In my Diocese two colleges founded by convents aggressively secularized, and made a conscious effort to distance themselves from any perception they might be Catholic.

But a Jesuit college has mostly secularized, not much Catholic doctrine, but has Mass for those who want it. They try appear neutral in abortion. They cagily market themselves as a “Jesuit college”, even though there are only three Jesuits.

Most alumni, parents, and donors likely think “Jesuit” means it is Catholic (just as if you say “in Cleveland” people assume “in Ohio”).
But I talked to a recent grad who said students were told (not in writing) by college staff that the college is Jesuit but not Catholic.
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