Ash Wednesday due to outpatient impending procedure unable to attend for ashes and am feeling very sad about this anything to make me feel better and

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Due to impending Outpatient procedure tomorrow I am unable to attend Ash Wednesday and I am feeling very sad about this and guilty. What can I do to feel better if anything?
Go to Mass tomorrow if you can. Ash Wednesday is not a Holy Day of Obligation, so you are perfectly fine if you cannot attend.
Ash Wednesday is not a Holy Day of Obligation, even if it were illness dispenses one from the obligation. Prayers for a speedy recovery!
If you signed a form stating your religious preference, you can have a Catholic priest come to give you your ashes. I had to do that one year when I had surgery on Ash Wednesday. I flat out refused to leave until I received my ashes.
What @1ke said.

I was admitted to the hospital yesterday, and this morning I got Holy Communion and ashes from lay ministers who came to my room.
Offer up the pain, annoyance, difficulty of the outpatient procedure…and even your sadness at not being able to attend Ash Wednesday as your Ash Wednesday acts of penance. Marvelous.
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I know how you are feeling. I am quite old, LOL, I no longer drive and my daughter works. So I miss Mass and many other parts of my faith. But, I try to be cheerful, I could be in an Old Folks Home. Instead I am comfortable living with my daughter and her two children. My Es is an RN…and she does her best to take care of me. I go to my room and pray. Christ knows my situation and I am quite sure he approves. Be happy…all cares are taken on His shoulders.
Don’t fret, but do read the scripture for today, excerpt below. Savour its beauty.
Joel 2: 12-18
“Even now, says the LORD,
return to me with your whole heart,
with fasting, and weeping, and mourning;
Rend your hearts, not your garments,
and return to the LORD, your God.
For gracious and merciful is he,
slow to anger, rich in kindness,
and relenting in punishment.
Perhaps he will again relent
and leave behind him a blessing,
Offerings and libations
for the LORD, your God. …”
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It’ll be OK. I’m sad too cuz I’m sick and couldn’t get to Mass so no ashes for me either. God loves us just the same!

I relate. Wasn’t finished at work so I missed the Mass I wanted to go to. And, since going around with the ashes on my forehead can be a source of pride for me it was probably for the best except I really need to go to Mass more often than just Sundays.

As another poster said, it’s not a Holy Day so you don’t need to feel guilty.
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