First, thanks for taking the time to do this. I’m currently discerning the priesthood, so I’m sure this will be a fruitful thread.
Hey brother, thanks for responding

I hope that I can be a help to you at this point in the journey.
What books helped you the most during discernment? I’ve read Fr Brannen’s book, (he was a priest at my old Parish in South Georgia) and I’m currently reading Time for God by Fr. Jacques Philippe on the advice of my spirtual director. Are there any other books you’d recommend for discernment and the prayer that goes with it?
The first book I would have recommended is Fr. Brannen’s book. That is great that you have read it. I think it is based on a lot of solid experience and wisdom. I’ve read a few books by Fr. Jacques and have really been blessed by them. He will be in our area giving a retreat at the end of this month. Glad you mentioned him! Others that I can recommend would be The Joy of Priesthood by Fr. Stephen Rossetti and Men of Brave Heart by Archbishop Gomez. Those two were enlightening and encouraging.
Where are you in terms of finishing your seminary education?
I am in what’s called Pre-theology 2. Here at our particular seminary, we have a total on 7 years of formation. The first two are pre-theology, where we lay the groundwork for theological studies. Then we have theology 1 and 2, then a pastoral year working in a parish and finally theology 3 and 4. Deaconate ordination happens around the end of theology 3 or the beginning of theology 4.
What would you say has been the hardest part of being in seminary?
A priest who gave us our initial orientation said that the hardest part of seminary life is living in community. You will be living, eating, studying and praying in a kind of community life. Like any family there can be differences and squabbles. Another thing that can be difficult is giving up your time to study and pray. We do begin living out Jesus’ call to leave everything and come follow Him.
What has been the best part of your seminary experience thus far?
There are many great parts of seminary. First of all I would say is the community life, haha. It is a blessing to have brothers in Christ who you can have fellowship with. We are forming awesome friendships that will last for eternity. The environment we live in, our bubble if you will, is blessed. We live a life set apart from many of the activities of the world. Our meals are provided for us and we don’t need to work a job as we study and pray. Prayer daily is awesome, and the blessed sacrament is just right down the hall. You can visit Jesus at any hour of the night.
Is there anything you wish you knew before entering seminary that would have made the process easier?
For me, I wish that I had moved forward sooner and entered earlier. I put it off for way too long.
Can you describe a typical day for you?
A typical day would be Morning Prayer at 730, Mass at 8, breakfast at around 845, first class at 940, classes until 1230 then lunch, many another class depending on if you have an elective, free time to study or rest, then evening prayer at 5 followed by adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, dinner at 6 and then again free time to study or do what you need to do!
I hope that this helps. Feel free to ask me more questions!