Salvete, omnes!
(First, was not at all sure where to put this in the fora, so, please do feel free to move it if it is misplaced!)
Frist of all, let me give you the background on this situation: Several years ago, as a Protestant, I was having some serious questions about my faith/how I was living my life, brought on, by in large, by a Protestant Bible Study group with whom I was associating that eventually came out and said I was “unsaved” despite the fact that I had been baptized into the Disciples of Christ denomination when I was 14. After a bit of a falling out for this and other reasons, I was looking for another church home while at university. Since the DOC church in this town was far too liberal for me, I ended up going to a Baptist church.
I must note that, around this time, I also felt as if I was under very deep spiritual attack, again, for a number of reasons, one being that church group and another being the suicide of someone on my residence hall floor. (I went down to pray over the room where he took his life shortly thereafter and, very soon after that, was very frightened by some “negative feeling energy” (best way to describe it) that seemed to pursue me one night while walking in that same hallway.
All this is to say that, around this same time, I was having difficult, again, as a Protestant, interpreting a particular verse of Sacred Scripture (the one about head-covering), so, I prayed for a very specific sign as (I believe, if memory serves) to whether it was necessary for me as a woman to cover my head while in church. I was sincerely confused about this matter and, I think, was asking with the sincerest heart. I asked that, if this was the case, God send me a sign of someone bringing up head-covering in church that very night (again, if memory serves, this is what I asked). Thing is, while I was at church that night, someone (albeit jokingly) said that a man should take off his hat in church because men were to pray with their heads uncovered. Needless to say, I took this as the sign I needed so began covering my own head in church, feeling it a necessity, even though others around me probably thought me ridiculous.
As you see from my message header, I am now considering becoming a Catholic and, as I understand it, the Catholic Church does not now teach that head-covering is necessary for the woman, as it is a disciplinary matter, not one of faith/morals. So, now, I am in a quandry. Why would God apparently give me a very specific sign when I asked Him for just such a specific sign about head-covering being necessary when the Catholc Church, which I am considering, teaches that it isn’t necessary. If the teaching ofthe Catholic Church is true, then why would God, after I asked for a sign, seemingly give me such a specific sign in the affirmative? (I am not at all trying to be combative here. In fact, the oppostie is true; I am genuinely concerned with this matter, especially since it has to do with Protestant vs. Catholic teaching, and the accuracy of either, when I am considering coming to Catholicism.)
I do not recall whether or whether I did not also, in asking for this sign, ask that no demonic influence would come into play giving me a sign that was not from God. Also, as I said, I believe I was very much under attack during that time in other ways to begin with.
So, what do you guys make of all this? How would a Catholic respond to my situation, especially since it seems to contradict Church teaching on this matter?
Sincerely thanking you all in advance.
(First, was not at all sure where to put this in the fora, so, please do feel free to move it if it is misplaced!)
Frist of all, let me give you the background on this situation: Several years ago, as a Protestant, I was having some serious questions about my faith/how I was living my life, brought on, by in large, by a Protestant Bible Study group with whom I was associating that eventually came out and said I was “unsaved” despite the fact that I had been baptized into the Disciples of Christ denomination when I was 14. After a bit of a falling out for this and other reasons, I was looking for another church home while at university. Since the DOC church in this town was far too liberal for me, I ended up going to a Baptist church.
I must note that, around this time, I also felt as if I was under very deep spiritual attack, again, for a number of reasons, one being that church group and another being the suicide of someone on my residence hall floor. (I went down to pray over the room where he took his life shortly thereafter and, very soon after that, was very frightened by some “negative feeling energy” (best way to describe it) that seemed to pursue me one night while walking in that same hallway.
All this is to say that, around this same time, I was having difficult, again, as a Protestant, interpreting a particular verse of Sacred Scripture (the one about head-covering), so, I prayed for a very specific sign as (I believe, if memory serves) to whether it was necessary for me as a woman to cover my head while in church. I was sincerely confused about this matter and, I think, was asking with the sincerest heart. I asked that, if this was the case, God send me a sign of someone bringing up head-covering in church that very night (again, if memory serves, this is what I asked). Thing is, while I was at church that night, someone (albeit jokingly) said that a man should take off his hat in church because men were to pray with their heads uncovered. Needless to say, I took this as the sign I needed so began covering my own head in church, feeling it a necessity, even though others around me probably thought me ridiculous.
As you see from my message header, I am now considering becoming a Catholic and, as I understand it, the Catholic Church does not now teach that head-covering is necessary for the woman, as it is a disciplinary matter, not one of faith/morals. So, now, I am in a quandry. Why would God apparently give me a very specific sign when I asked Him for just such a specific sign about head-covering being necessary when the Catholc Church, which I am considering, teaches that it isn’t necessary. If the teaching ofthe Catholic Church is true, then why would God, after I asked for a sign, seemingly give me such a specific sign in the affirmative? (I am not at all trying to be combative here. In fact, the oppostie is true; I am genuinely concerned with this matter, especially since it has to do with Protestant vs. Catholic teaching, and the accuracy of either, when I am considering coming to Catholicism.)
I do not recall whether or whether I did not also, in asking for this sign, ask that no demonic influence would come into play giving me a sign that was not from God. Also, as I said, I believe I was very much under attack during that time in other ways to begin with.
So, what do you guys make of all this? How would a Catholic respond to my situation, especially since it seems to contradict Church teaching on this matter?
Sincerely thanking you all in advance.