overall, generally, as a whole, it might tend more toward weighing the factors after I basically have thought through some of the fundamental points. [[[ however, a reader and poster may of course offer me something that 'i didn’t know I didn’t know ]]]
for example, i studied Spanish in the past and am a registered nurse. I could attempt to live in Laredo TX where there are more Spanish speakers but a person might be more limited as to not going out after dark versus other areas of the usa.
so one hand increased Spanish language is a plus and on the other hand increased risk of violence versus other locations would be a negative.
Then it seems that in any decision there are X - factors and unknowns. For example, if a person is attempting to “praydream” like Ignatius Loyola about a particular course of action, there are unknown X-factors. Possibly forum readers and posters could help in the area of X-factor unknowns with their hunches or general impressions.
For example, if i work as a nurse in a hospital, the desert southwest has less rain, less plants, and less industry in my experience. [[[ my experience, southern new mexico for less than a year ]]] this could impact the life inside the hospital. for example, nurse to patient ratios, things like this. So yes, a strictly nursing forum may help in this area but overall, this forum may help with considerations about general “praydreaming” through a situation. >>>>> matthew 23 not confusing big things with little things and not confusing little things with big things … swallow this and strain out this.