Assault with a deadly weapon

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I confess to almighty God, and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have sinned through my own fault, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and what I have failed to do; and I ask blessed Mary, ever virgin,all the angels and saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God.

I had always considered myself a "Soldier 4 Christ", I am a proud Catholic Christian always seeking to serve and not to be served. Christ centered, active in my parish community, Eucharistic Minister and founder of “Families United”, a food ministry; serving the poor and less fortunate in Riverside California.

My life was "Rich" and "Blessed". Many would consider myself and my family to be poor… But it is not so, we have “Christ”.

I named my youngest daughter, “Philomena Del Cielo Leon” after St. Philomena (a little girl martyr of 12 yrs) and asked in prayer that St. Philomena be my daughter’s special lil patron saint… like an extra lil guardian angel looking over and keeping my daughter safe.

My lil daughter, Mena (Philomena) died in my arms of Cancer on her 3rd birthday while she was in a coma. I fought hard to keep my faith… but misery, sadness and depression consumed me and eventually destroyed me (my joy, happiness, innocence, life and love).

Assault with a deadly weapon: I end up becoming a heavy drinker, and one day I find myself in a bar with my cousin who is about to get jumped by three men. At this point of my life, my Lord isn’t the center of my everything. I quickly react to an escalating altercation and I hit an aggressive drunk (one of the three men) over the head with a bottle. The man to which I assaulted did not strike my cousin, yet he was advancing him in motion while verbally threatening bodily harm on him.

This happened one year ago, and sense then I have stopped drinking and I have re-committed my life to Christ, I have been blessed with a new baby girl, **“Trinity” ** and I finally am enjoying renewed happiness, joy, peace, life and love.

I am also being charged with Assault with a deadly weapon for the prior incident and am going to my final jury trial hearing tomorrow 03/07/07, and I will have a judgement by 3 pm. The DA wants to give me 3 years prison time. I have a defense attorney but it is all up in the air. I’ve given it up to God, but I know there is power in forgiveness and prayer!

***Please, I need as many prayers as I can get. Please, even if it is one Our Father! ***

God Bless You,
Robert Santos Leon
My prayers for you and your family in your troubles - may Jesus the Divine Mercy, his Blessed Mother, and St Jude and St Rita the patrons of difficult cases, take you under their protection and intercede for you.
My prayers for you and your family in your troubles - may Jesus the Divine Mercy, his Blessed Mother, and St Jude and St Rita the patrons of difficult cases, take you under their protection and intercede for you.
God Bless You, please continue the prayers 🙂

I shared your reply with my wife… Your name, “Lily” has a special meaning for us. St. Philomena is associated with the Lily flower, and I always bought my Lil Philomena bouquets of Lilies during her 3 years when she was in and out of City of Hope Hospital. My wife and I had such a liking to the name, that we named our newborn, “Trinity Lilyana Leon”.

Not only that, I take confidence in the Divine Mercy of Our Lord and through His Mercy I know that I am forgiven and loved. The chaplet of Divine Mercy I hold dear, and St. Jude and St. Rita are 2 of 4 relics that I have received from Roma, Italy. They are placed in reliquaries and have been very well cared for.

So yes, your reply is a special one. 🙂 and although the only one I received, It was just what I needed. Thank you, and continue to pray for my family and me… deliberations continue on tomorrow, 03/07/07 from 9 am - how ever long it takes. Keep us in your prayers.

God Bless You,
Robert Santos Leon

The noble souls of the triumphant are sauntering around heaven, dancing in the choruses of the bodiless; and not one tomb for each conceals their bodies, but cities and villages divide them up and call them healers and preservers of souls and bodies, and venerate them as guardians and protectors of cities; and when they intervene as ambassadors before the Master of the universe the divine gifts are obtained through them; and though the body has been divided, its grace has continued undivided. And that little particle and smallest relic has the same power as the absolutely and utterly undivided martyr. Theodoret, Bishop of Cyr, 449 AD
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