I know tons of other people have posted with similar problems but I am at my wits end today with my family. My mother and my oldest sister hate each other. If I have one good word to say about my oldest sister, mom treats me like there is something wrong with me. I recently helped her find a new job. She found a job that she truly loves and got a $20 thousand a year raise on top of it. My mom only found nasty things to say about this and has treated me less than wonderful since I have helped my sister out so much. My middle sister can’t/won’t keep a job so mom sent her to me so I could help her. After all, if I could help my “horrible, no good, evil” sister, then I should definitely be able to help mommy’s little angel, aka my middle sister. I have spent the last two or three weeks trying to help her. I have submitted her resumes online for her. I have monitored and checked her e-mail because she says her computer is not working. My dad and I have both offered to fix it but she finds a million excuses not to. She got called for a phone interview for one of the jobs that I helped her apply for but she didn’t even give the interviewers a chance. Nobody will tell me how it went other than it just wasn’t for her. I found her the perfect job 2 weeks ago and she refuses to apply. I printed out a pile of about 20 different jobs that she is perfectly qualified to do but she lost the information and made up a bunch of excuses to me and my mom. She told mom that she wasn’t qualified for them and then she told me that mom never gave them to her. She spent over 4 hours at my house and didn’t apply for a single job. I told her all she had to do is fill out the applications and I will mail them and do whatever it takes to help her. The bad thing is that I try to discuss this with my mom because she is the one that recommended that she come see me but my mother won’t let me say anything “bad” about my middle sister without bringing up how horrible my oldest sister is. When my oldest sister came to me for help, she listened to what I had to say and applied for the jobs that I recommended even if she thought they were a stretch. I guess my point is how can I help someone that does not want to be helped. My mother is impossible to talk to. In addition to the family feuding between mom and sisters, my brother is in prison and mom can’t seem to understand why his x-wife won’t let my family see my son’s daughter. A little background info…My brother was sentenced to 7 years after violating his probation. He was actually on probation for 2 separate agravated felonies. He violated his probation by harassing his wife. Also, his house mysteriously burned down and they still don’t know how it happened. There are a lot of other things that my brother has done during his life such as molesting & raping sisters, hitting various family members, and who knows what else. He has a history of violence and meanness but my mother continues to make excuses for him. I love him and have forgiven him but I would like for my mother to acknowledge that he is not perfect. They don’t have the money to pay bills but they are somehow finding the time and money to take an hour trip to go see him in prison. I put together his parole packet for him. There is no chance of him getting out any time soon because he is serving time for 2 agravated felonies. The only time I get letters from him is when he wants to ask about me doing another parole packet for him. I get really frustrated with all this because I have my own problems to deal with as I have a husband and 2 kids to take care of and we are experiencing financial difficulties. I have prayed about my family of origin more times than I care to admit. I try not to tell my mother when I talk to my oldest sister but my daughter loves her aunt and insists on telling grandma every time she sees her aunt and cousins. I have 2 birthday parties for my kids and maintain pretty much separate functions so my mom and middle sister don’t have to see or talk to my oldest sister. Does anybody have any advice? Like I said, I am at my wits end and feel like I am ready to explode trying to juggle having a relationship with ALL of my family members.