At what point do guardian angels get involved?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Pyjamarama
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Demons tempt us all the time, do our guardian angels constantly do the opposite by constantly enticing us into doing good or do they only get involved when we ask for their help?
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I think it depends on your age and/or experience. When you’re young, they will try to guide you away from dangers, both spiritual and physical. As you get older and your moral sense matures, they may occasionally remind you not to do things, but they begin mostly to wait for you to ask for help and guidance.
Demons tempt us all the time, do our guardian angels constantly do the opposite by constantly enticing us into doing good or do they only get involved when we ask for their help?
Father Hardon wrote:
What does this mean? It means that the moment the human ovum is fertilized, God creates an immortal soul, infuses the soul into the body prepared by the parents, and the immediate result is the conception of a child. No sooner is the child conceived than it receives a guardian spirit already in the mother’s womb.

It is here that we can affirm with certitude that every direct abortion is the work of the devil.

The role of the guardian angels for the baptized is directly related to eternal life. Whereas the angelic guardianship before or without baptism is more directly concerned with protection from evils in the natural order, and only indirectly with their heavenly destiny.

Their first role is to instruct us as messengers of illumination of our minds.
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